Example sentences of "this [noun] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This targets them towards the most important part of the prey , where they can do most damage with their first contact .
2 Convocation was rarely concerned now with reform ; Archbishop Stratford in 1342 was the last primate until the sixteenth century to issue provincial constitutions in this body which for the rest of the reign was wholly concerned with royal taxation or with eliciting , in exchange for grants , relief from crown or lay encroachments on church liberties or property .
3 And the day before his weakness waxed great , he ordered the gates of the town to be shut , and went to the Church of St. Peter ; and there the Bishop Don Hieronymo being present , and all the clergy who were in Valencia , and the knights and honourable men and honourable dames , as many as the Church could hold , the Cid Ruydiez stood up , and made a full noble preaching , showing that no man whatsoever , however honourable or fortunate they may be in this world , can escape death ; to which , said he , I am now full near ; and since ye know that this body of mine hath never yet been conquered , nor put to shame , I beseech ye let not this befall it at the end , for the good fortune of man is only accomplished at his end .
4 This identifies which of the modules called up in CONTAINS-SOURCE-OF should be used to build the package .
5 but then , is , does it not , the next point then does not er what Mr say have relevant cause , because if there is this risk which in the purposes of the argument rule , start if you like as a wheel and not a , a , a , a , a fanciful risk , the reasons yourself just put forward , er then it must follow that there is a risk , er that erm the members agents will not be able to call on names to provide the funds
6 The point that is being made is that in this situation none of the profit figures are a guide to the future .
7 Despite the ministrations of the Mine Surgeon poor Sarah died on the 13 June , and after this date none of the Duke girls appear to have worked on the mine again .
8 Vishnu is the preserver of this principle which in the popular sense would be ‘ let nature take its course ’ , to preserve a natural balance .
9 ‘ You know we are Jews and Jews remember what happened 50 years ago and during this time nobody in the world was doing anything to save the Jews , ’ Kahn told reporters at Zagreb 's Pleso airport .
10 I am just writing to note that yet another transport consultation paper has turned up on my desk — this time its on the ‘ proposed legislative response to recommendations in noise review report ’ .
11 At this time none of the tobacco companies had issued cards since early in the war , so this shoe box , mostly full of sets , was indeed a treasure .
12 None of the team will say at this stage which of the pumps appears best , but the Malawi pump is certainly popular .
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