Example sentences of "this [noun] [noun] [subord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 In the more restricted circumstances in Britain , where such households are smaller and contacts between women in different households in some respects more difficult , women lose something of this support network although they may gain a greater degree of independence in their interactions with men .
2 ‘ Oh well , you see , Marius had this heart attack while we were out there .
3 but , but I think we should be just a little careful in accepting this cavalry charge as it has been described too easily .
4 Take this marmalade knife before it gets
5 He did n't even bother to deny this Harvey business when I accused him .
6 I wonder briefly why they speak in this telegram way when they have something important to say .
7 Used originally by Tallymen who sat behind a high desk to keep account of cargo being unloaded , and later adapted by film directors , you 'll find this seat ideal if you have a breakfast bar .
8 well , erm tis n't , she 's not , she wants the W R A F and nothing else and Sue said you ca n't be like that , you know , and er , so they 've decided that she 's got ta carry on with this Saturday job because she wo n't be able to go on the dole look , straight away will she ?
9 Apparently it belongs to this boy Svend because it was he who suggested they go to Copenhagen instead of staying on in Roskilde when the pop festival ended . ’
10 Erm they obviously have the right person teaching this management course if you know that 's one of the prime functions of a manager is to be unavailable at all times .
11 Jump onto the lift to your right , then on the second lift , and finally onto a platform ( watch out for the bare wires ) , climb down the site of this second building if you wish to collect a couple of records , but it 's quicker and safer to climb up the purple wall above you and climb the four ladders , grab the crate and jump onto the platform on your left , kill the mugger , climb the ladder and grab another crate , climb another ladder , then another kill the workman in the process , run across to the right , jump before you touch the wire and you should land on the next platform .
12 ‘ Our area manager said there had been more reaction to the closing of this post office than they had ever known , ’ Mr. Hover told the Herald .
13 You can change this package name if you wish .
14 You can change this package name if you wish .
15 No one should undertake this hill crossing unless they are confident of covering long distances , carrying food , clothing and other gear for several days .
16 We can readily see the first steps in this transformation process when we consider the impact of computer technology on capital-investment decisions .
17 he thinks that he can buy I could buy this standing space because I 'm a businessman and I 've got lots of money .
18 Our commitment is to remain in this art form because it is positive and real ; and to demand the right to define it .
19 So it 's not quite the same as this water analogy cos it 's got to have somewhere to go all the way round .
20 A careful note must be taken of this DC identifier as it is required in all other operations regarding the DC .
21 The third major pileup on this motorway section since it opened just over a year ago .
22 The apostle Peter comes to grips with this priority structure as he addresses our ability to explain the gospel : ‘ Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you . ’
23 Explore this planning task until it has found
24 Andrew hagans was staying at this bail hostel when he murdered Anna McGurk .
25 actually caught with , I think he was just starting on that when Mike come down , er but , he got it out this magazine rack because it was at the back of there I put it , cos it 's this year 's the others I 've got upstairs in a drawer
26 ‘ I needed this piece and as I was looking around I saw exactly what I needed on this motor bike so I took it and now these guys want to kill me . ’
27 Well , I was alright , I learnt all about the harness eventually , and there 's in the you know , this throwback business when they 've been harnessed up .
28 Omar believed we would do better in this lowland country if we used camels rather than mules .
29 ‘ I 'm mighty handy wie this auld pat when I 've a need tae be , ’ he said ,
30 ‘ Bowyer calls this man Pointer because he is a skilled hunter .
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