Example sentences of "this [modal v] [adv] [be] an " in BNC.

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1 But this may just be an illusion .
2 This may well be an exceptional order .
3 And although this may conceivably be an acceptable answer for an earlier period , it is now useless because of the weight of evidence about the recent past .
4 This must surely be an oversight as all teachers agree that as a direct beneficiary of the Society 's efforts they should contribute as members towards its work .
5 The training environment for this must always be an 8m x 8m ( 9.5yd x 9.5 yd ) area , and you should practise until you are sure of your position within it at any given time .
6 This might possibly be an accurate forecast of the future , but anyone with experience of even a relatively simple up-to-date photocopier will know that the amount of maintenance support it requires goes far beyond this board-changing routine .
7 By these standards , Levi would appear to be an imperfect Jew , and this could well be an opinion that underlies the talk about his later books being not nearly as good as his earlier ones .
8 This could simply be an artefact of the differential age distribution of the sexes for , as we saw in Chapter 2 , there are more women in the very elderly age groups .
9 Although this would normally be an adequate sample , the results are much less significant than they appear , even were they to point conclusively in one direction , which they do not .
10 This will never be an easy concept for people who have always been led [ and perhaps not very well led ! ] but who are very capable of leading themselves .
11 Again , this can only be an agreement to sell and the contract will fail if the contingency fails to occur within the stipulated time , or if there is none within a reasonable time ( compare the sale of a chance or spes ) .
12 ( iii ) In the context of their own writing and reading , pupils should be helped to recognise that words with related meanings may have related spellings and that this can sometimes be an aid in the spelling of words where the sound alone does not provide sufficient information .
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