Example sentences of "this [be] [vb pp] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 During the Indian Mutiny of 1857 they remained steadfastly loyal to the Crown , and for this were accorded a permanent 15-gun salute by the Viceroy .
2 These rules mean that it might benefit the owner of a topography right for him to sit on that right until such a time as it can be exploited to its full potential as long as this is done a reasonable period before the 15 years have expired .
3 Once this is done the two can revert to their traditional roles , the writer supplying the copy and the art director suggesting how the visual can help it sell .
4 The sooner this is done the better .
5 First I do n't want to repeat what has been so eloquently said about the need for putting the elected local government representatives in a clear majority , but it certainly seems to me that unless is , this is done the whole concept of the triple partnership and all the fine words about local accountability are seriously at risk .
6 When this is done the last equation becomes .
7 This is called a labelled graph .
8 This is called a cloud-point curve .
9 This is called a Preferred Point Geometry .
10 My worst dive was when on descending a sudden shock of cold water hit my tooth sending a shock wave up my nerve the nerve ran through a sinus causing extreme pain this is called a dental trauma I had to abandon the dive immediately .
11 This is called a lateral eruption .
12 This is called a coronary thrombosis or just ‘ a coronary ’ .
13 If a particular dimension ( usually left to right or up to down ) indicates a time scale as well as sequence this is called a time-line diagram .
14 In some cases the effects of the blockage can be so severe that the heart stops beating altogether and this is called a cardiac arrest .
15 Not surprisingly this is called a low-angle thrust fault .
16 Gon na go on now to talk about a severe condition which may start out that with a minor skin rash like this , this is called a petechial skin rash they later progress to rather more generalised rash and in it 's most severe form it 's mucrotic
17 This is called a data-bank system and a good example is the pupil record system which is kept in a secretary 's office .
18 This is called a lunar month .
19 When the effect of one cell on another is directly by way of a modification of the synapse that the first cell makes on the second , this is known as a homosynaptic effect ; when the effect of the first cell on the second is modulated by the behaviour of a third cell synapsing on either of the other two , this is called a heterosynaptic effect .
20 This is called a vertical micro-instruction format : some examples ( from the Burroughs B1700 computer , taken from Burroughs 1972 ) are given in Figure 3.22(b) .
21 This is called a scientific novelty .
22 When the Moon moves between the Earth and the Sun it is seen from the Earth to move across the Sun , and this is called a solar eclipse .
23 In military parlance this is called a fast retreat .
24 Figure 5.17(b) was produced by replacing each pixel value in Figure 5.17(a) by the average of the pixel values in a 7 pixel by 5 line box centred on that pixel ; this is called a moving average filter .
25 This is called the immune system .
26 For salt and water systems , this is called the cryohydric point .
27 This is called the total aggregate external finance ( AEF ) .
28 This is called the critical temperature , Tc .
29 First of all note that the vapour pressure curve terminates at point C. This is called the critical point of water .
30 This is called the critical solution temperature .
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