Example sentences of "by people [v-ing] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This was the customary right to seize wrecked ships and their cargoes enjoyed by people living on the coast and which was believed to lead to the abuse of " wrecking " .
2 But the decision has been welcomed by people living near the planned venue .
3 He thought they had been carved by people living in the tombs , perhaps the monks , who dreamed fine dreams of other places , who longed for new horizons .
4 Yesterday Lis , North Wales area secretary for Christian Aid , was giving her backing to a major campaign to promote better understanding of the problems faced by people living in the Third World .
5 Every inch looks well used , whether by a girl foraging grass for oxen or by people resting at the side of the road .
6 We must study the gap closely and we must realise that , in many of the homes that have come on to the market , on which there has been significant capital outlay by people moving into the private sector , the costs have escalated because of the massive increase in interest rates .
7 So any dwellings over and above sixteen and a half thousand , would only be taken by people moving into the county and not by locals .
8 Although the city compares favourably with other parts of Brazil in socioeconomic terms , there are areas of great poverty , particularly in favelas , many of which are inhabited by people moving from the countryside because of lack of employment and inequalities in land tenure .
9 She was prevented from entering by people surfacing from the cellar bar .
10 But this state of affairs can be achieved not only by people working within the prison system , but by activating and empowering a much wider spectrum of practitioners .
11 The house is two knocked into one and used mainly by people working in the area .
12 Many accidents are caused each year by people standing on the nearest chair and overbalancing , often with disastrous consequences .
13 We 've been approached by people asking about the Kangeroo scarers .
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