Example sentences of "by the time [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The speed will then be dangerously low by the time that the nose has been lowered , and even more speed will be lost during the descent through the wind gradient .
2 By the time that the glider is down to 500 feet or so , an inexperienced pilot often will have forgotten the wind direction , and if he realises this it will increase his anxiety .
3 Indeed , by the time that the credits of René Clair 's supernatural comedy came on , the ads had already done their work , and I was already invisibly inside that bottle too , ready to share in Veronica 's throaty vibrato .
4 By the time that the Earthtrust team arrived , the price had climbed higher still .
5 By the time that the invaders poured across our flatlands this church had been manned and victualled and the women of the parish safely concealed in outlying farms , under the protection of what you , today , would refer to as ‘ teenagers ’ .
6 By the time that the Book of Isaiah was written however , things were being said about Israel 's God that could not be said of any other , and this led increasingly to the claim that the God of Israel is the only one that exists .
7 In his report Layfield concluded that there was only a one in forty chance that a coal station would be cheaper than Sizewell B. By the time that the then Energy Minister , Peter Walker , gave his seal of approval to the project in 1987 the odds had been reduced to one in seven .
8 By the time that the Educational Facilities Laboratories and the National Endowment for the Arts were producing their two excellent booklets on the reuse of railroad stations in 1974 and 1975 , only one per cent of all inter-city travel was by train .
9 By the time that the truth had been publicized it was sadly too late for many unfortunate cats , and even now the ghost of the ‘ Feline AIDS ’ still stalks the world of cats and cat owners .
10 It is clear that all resistance to shearing has vanished by the time that the atoms are balanced on top of each other , which will occur when the whole material has been distorted in shear through an angle of 30° .
11 By the time that the OEEC Council agreed in October 1957 to set up the so-called Maudling Committee , named after Reginald Maudling who was appointed by the British premier , Harold Macmillan , in July 1957 to conduct the negotiations on Britain 's proposals for a wider free trade area , the Six had in a sense already passed the point of no return .
12 Dr van der Merwe 's bones or , rather , those of the Crow Indians of the Ohio valley , are helping to trace the spread of maize across the Americas and establish how , by the time that the conquistadores arrived , it was powering not only the imperial civilisations of Mexico , but the modest villages of what was shortly to become New England .
13 By the time that the letter was revealed as a forgery and Conservative Central Office had been implicated , the damage was done .
14 Nor was there proper central control over the building and maintenance of fortifications , many of which were sadly out-of-date or in bad need of repair by the time that the English began to invade France .
15 Instead they simply enlarged until , by the time that the caterpillar was full grown , they were vastly distended and many thousand times bigger than their original size .
16 By the time that the deal was presented to Unionist MPs on 12 November , two important developments had taken place .
17 Along the chain of consequence , from atomic decay to my act of observation , things must have got fixed at least by the time that the cat 's experience entered into it .
18 At least by the time that the friend heard the click it must have been settled on that occasion that the electron 's spin was " up " .
19 By the time that the appeal had reached this Board , the defendant 's case had reduced itself to seven heads .
20 By the time that the present case had reached the Court of Appeal , as many as 100 injunctions had been granted by judges of the Chancery Division , following the approach of Mervyn Davies J. By that time , too , the decision of the European Court of Justice in the Torfaen case had been followed by its decisions in the Conforama and Marchandise cases ; and it was the contention of the council that the approach of the court in the former case , upon which Wickes relied , had been tacitly abandoned by the court in the latter two cases .
21 Held , dismissing the appeals , that , prior to the enactment of the Congenital Disabilities ( Civil Liability ) Act 1976 , at common law a breach of the duty of care did not give rise to a cause of action in negligence until the plaintiff suffered an injury ; that , although a foetus did not enjoy an independent legal personality , by the time that the plaintiffs were born in 1967 the common law recognised that a child born with a deformity because of a negligent act occurring during the mother 's pregnancy had a cause of action ; and that , therefore , the plaintiffs had a cause of action against the defendant health authorities for any negligent act prior to their birth which caused them to be born with deformities ( post , pp. 654H , 656D–F , 660E — 661D ) .
22 This implies that there is a good chance the processing of the first record will be complete by the time that the second record is located , so that skip-sequential processing win provide benefits .
23 By the time that the decision was taken to challenge the United States by the installation of missiles in Cuba ( probably in early July 1962 ) the USSR had been forced to revise its optimistic view .
24 By the time that the Futurist exhibition opened at the Galerie Bernheim in February of the following year , Boccioni had reworked his States of Mind , a series of paintings which he felt held the key to a new range of subject-matter in painting , and Carrà and Russolo had abandoned or reworked some of their largest pre-Parisian canvases .
25 Finally , by the time that the early group of tutors was appointed , there was a strong concern not to be caught up in the academic drift that , we felt , had tugged Ruskin away from its labour movement roots .
26 By the time that the new Fono convened in early May , the traditional political manoeuvring had increased the HRPP 's legislative strength to 30 seats , compared with 16 for the SNDP and one independent .
27 By the time that the troops began patrolling the streets there was already evidence that the riots were losing their momentum , and in the face of such overwhelming military force remaining disturbances were quickly quelled .
28 Because of time lags in the production process , the cost of replacing inventories may well have risen by the time that the raw materials are used to make finished goods and then sold .
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