Example sentences of "by [v-ing] it [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But in recognizing the authority of ‘ Be aware ’ as absolute we run up against that imbalance of the organism in the direction of what pleases it , by which it spontaneously expands awareness in one direction by contracting it in others .
2 There is another way in which we can inspect the growth of population , and that is by seeing it at work in all the various classes of society .
3 By treating his subject as widely as possible , by seeing it in terms of the history of war , rather than as the more narrowly defined military history , the modern student will come to understand it in its many facets and complexities .
4 VAT on acquisitions can be recovered as input VAT in the normal way by including it within box 4 on the VAT return , subject of course to any partial exemption or non-business restriction , but acquisition VAT should be shown as a separate item on the trader 's own VAT account .
5 So when it is argued today that the sexual deviant challenges sexual difference by denaturalizing it through parody , the realization of the early modern transvestite that both the deviant and the difference are effects of culture rather than nature is being revived and sophisticated .
6 Unfortunately it may conceivably cause liver disease if taken over a long period , and this is to be tested by administering it to pigs .
7 By using it in Ealing in West London in 1979 , we recruited enough help to win the borough council election and to take the parliamentary seat from Labour .
8 It 's not easy to stay detached , so keep your fear at bay by transforming it into anger — not uncontrollable fury but angry determination .
9 The following day he would underline all three by driving it to Hurstdown Abbey .
10 But Maxfield and Harrison took the principle further by applying it to acoustic and mechanical parts , so that there would be little waste of power from ‘ mismatching ’ at any point along the sound 's journey .
11 Various techniques to promote reflux while imaging have been attempted , such as abdominal cuffing , in which a binder is placed over the abdomen and the pressure is increased by inflating it with air .
12 Just as you can gain access to the cave of the unconscious only by being inside already , he seems to be saying , so you can gradually reach towards an understanding of my work only by understanding it in advance .
13 He asked himself " Why do I have to cosmeticize everything by translating it into painting ?
14 Therefore a law valid in SR can be generalized to apply in any accelerating frame by expressing it in tensor form .
15 They held that there is a limited set of fundamental ethical terms , such as good , bad , right , wrong , ought , duty , such that you can not explain what one of them amounts to except either by appealing to intuition of some simple non-natural property , or relation , to which it refers or by defining it by way of some other ethical term of which this is true .
16 Unfortunately the process is easily reversed by heating the joint or by soaking it in water .
17 Feminist psychologists usually interpret the value of socially-oriented study in a traditional way , by assimilating it to psychology 's scientific project .
18 Fleming set up a culture of the mould , and preserved the plate by fixing it in formalin vapour .
19 A second way of implying an operand is by encoding it as part of the operation code , although the range of values is very restricted as we do not wish to allocate many operation codes in this way .
20 The unit will automatically activate if submerged , but should be activated prior to diving , either by immersing it in water or placing moistened fingertips on the two on contacts .
21 The letter said that collegiality was novel , unfounded , unscriptural , ‘ not even solidly probable ’ , and hinted at the powerful influence of ‘ non-doctrinal forces , whose aims and methods are not beyond reproach ’ ( by which they meant that the press was distorting the event by presenting it in terms of heroes and villains ) .
22 Alternatively the whole could be whitened by flooding it with alkali and the design etched on , probably with a solution of copper nitrate .
23 This means we can test ( x 1 , … , x n ) for efficiency in VMP by testing it for optimality in LP* ( x 1 , … , x n ) .
24 He ended up by selling it for £500 to Mr Staples , from whom he originally bought the site for the same sum .
25 Either to find additional land by recycling it in York , or beyond the greenbelt ?
26 The original holder ( i.e. whoever has lent the money ) will buy the bill at a discount and earn a return by holding it to maturity when its redemption value is paid .
27 This legislation , far from doing anything to alleviate this , further compounds it by enshrining it in legislation .
28 Throughout the 1870s the Prussian Lands began to restrict the use of the Polish language by removing it from schools , churches , courts and local government .
29 I detest Alvaro Delgado-Gal , who advocates the return of the painting to France , believing that ‘ the glorious dead should be left in the graveyard where they chose to rest ’ ; Juan Pedro Aparicio , who suggests carrying ‘ Guernica ’ in procession all around Spain in a high speed train ; the old anarchist Carlos Semprón Maura , who protests at the Reina Sofía 's injection of morphine into ‘ Guernica ’ to prolong its deep coma ; Joan Barril , for whom the dilemma posed by moving ‘ Guernica ’ from the shrine of the Buen Retiro to an apartment with freezer in the ‘ Sofidou ’ could be resolved simply by sending it to Sarajevo , Bangkok or Lima , places where its political message would be more relevant .
30 A summons must be served on a limited company by leaving it at , or by sending it by post to , the registered office pursuant to s 725(1) of the Companies Act , 1985 .
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