Example sentences of "by [v-ing] [pers pn] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 But in recognizing the authority of ‘ Be aware ’ as absolute we run up against that imbalance of the organism in the direction of what pleases it , by which it spontaneously expands awareness in one direction by contracting it in others .
2 Attempts to make the arts accountable by submitting them to forms of assessment which properly belong elsewhere may actually make them appear wanting by looking for inappropriate forms of proof .
3 Mary Cummins , president of the suspended board that opposes Rainbow , says she refuses to demean legitimate minorites , such as blacks or Asians , by lumping them with homosexuals .
4 At various times , the Unionist government attempted to curb such displays either by banning marches or by re-routeing them through areas with the same politics as the marchers .
5 LEFT The dates obtained through radiocarbon dating can often be refined by calibrating them with dates obtained by other means .
6 By treating his subject as widely as possible , by seeing it in terms of the history of war , rather than as the more narrowly defined military history , the modern student will come to understand it in its many facets and complexities .
7 He had unfortunately proceeded to mar them by fastening them to strips of card with paper clips , which had rusted and left their foul trail on the bookmarks .
8 Unfortunately it may conceivably cause liver disease if taken over a long period , and this is to be tested by administering it to pigs .
9 Indeed , man is much more of a threat to these lizards , by keeping them as pets ; their existence in the wild is now threatened by collectors .
10 Then he made this behaviour steadily more difficult for his birds by challenging them with blasts of air , or baths filled with water , or by making them push past weighted doors .
11 If the ascription of organizational goals to collectivities is rejected as metaphorical or metaphysical , then the language of goals can only be maintained by ascribing them to individuals or groups within the organization .
12 The Ministry of Education , now headed by rightwingers in the coalition , has indicated its intention to concentrate on formal sector education , marginalizing the literacy and popular adult education work which had been so important under the Sandinistas by starving them of funds .
13 In all cases , the principle is the same : the child 's errors are collected and analysed by grouping them into families .
14 This is done by presenting them with programmes designed for native speakers and setting tasks which assume a high level of comprehension of the video material .
15 The letter said that collegiality was novel , unfounded , unscriptural , ‘ not even solidly probable ’ , and hinted at the powerful influence of ‘ non-doctrinal forces , whose aims and methods are not beyond reproach ’ ( by which they meant that the press was distorting the event by presenting it in terms of heroes and villains ) .
16 I use them , but I keep them separated from the majority of plants by surrounding them with strips of glass siliconed to the tank base .
17 It usually investigates working-class subjects by testing them against norms obtained from middle-class samples .
18 Testing the efficiency of strikes , kicks and punches by directing them at bricks and tiles is a standard requirement for passing a grade and being promoted to the next level of proficiency .
19 But he 's making the money by selling them as flats .
20 Dr Winnifred Cutler , director of the Athena Institute for Women 's Wellness in Philadelphia , discovered that if male pheromones could be attached to women who were n't having regular sex ( by extracting them from men and taping them to women 's upper lips ) then this worked to regulate periods almost as well as regular sex .
21 The authorities categorically rejected a report by the human rights organization Amnesty International in May 1989 which accused them of torturing political prisoners by subjecting them to beatings or sexual abuse .
22 One week later , on the boxing date they are ‘ planted ’ by holding them in pieces of sponge in regularly spaced holes in the lid of a box or pot .
23 Since the Sonnets are , in an important and unique way , poems of direct address , we should start by considering them in terms of the appropriate Renaissance genre .
24 George III irritated American colonists by summoning them to meetings in ‘ places unusual , uncomfortable and distant ’ — a complaint familiar to many of today 's business executives .
25 Throughout the 1870s the Prussian Lands began to restrict the use of the Polish language by removing it from schools , churches , courts and local government .
26 For example , the deployment of explosive rats where they would do the most good , or harm ( in wartime the two may be synonymous ) was aided by accompanying them by leaflets saying that the British were delivering rats infected with bubonic plague and the best thing to do with them , if found , was to throw them into a furnace .
27 It does this by drugging them with things which it persuades them to believe they want .
28 ‘ They besieged the record company to get it re-released and they feel proud that the public has responded by buying it in droves . ’
29 Jane surprised Juliana by pointing her towards leggings and tapered trousers worn with outsized cardigans and sweaters .
30 If a fond mum sends you back after a weekend at home with your favourite fruit cake , do you keep it in a tin under the bed and eat it secretly , or demolish it at one swoop by sharing it with others ?
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