Example sentences of "by [noun pl] of the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This can be provided by the magic power or words , such as inscribing prohibitions into the nation 's constitution , and by manifestations of the divine in terms of either retribution for failing to uphold the truth , or grace for upholding the truth , with rewards ‘ such as oil finds and victories in the World Championships ’ .
2 He became a collector with a truly worldwide reputation , the owner of a unique gallery of works by artists of the Russian Avant-garde .
3 In his thirty-two years as a gallerist in Cologne , Reinz has conducted a specialised programme consisting of work by Nay , Fautrier and Poliakoff , and by artists of the German Informel School of the 1950s and 60s : Hoehme , Gutz , Bruning , Schumacher , Dahmen and Sonderborg .
4 The policy-making National Council of the PAICV announced after meeting on April 10-13 , 1990 , that the President would henceforth be elected by direct universal suffrage rather than as hitherto by deputies of the National People 's Assembly .
5 As use of GF rod and tubing expanded rapidly , and ripstop nylon became available off-the-roll through the 1980s , new concepts were fertilized by exponents of the multi-cellular type of kite , such as the Tetrahedral .
6 Mosley justified the turn to fascism as the result of the increased disruptive tactics used by opponents of the New Party .
7 The fact that the assassination coincided with the release in Lebanon of the British hostage John McCarthy [ see p. 38405 ] fuelled speculation that it had been sanctioned by opponents of the Iranian government critical of its current conciliatory attitude towards the West [ see pp.38212 ; 38309 ] and of its role in pressing for an early resolution of the hostage crisis .
8 The romanticized picture of housewives happy over their labour of love is also challenged by accounts of the higher rates of depression among women with small children who stay at home , by such eagerness to take paid work that they will accept rates of pay and conditions of employment that no man would tolerate , and by accounts of the slow hard slog and monotony of housework .
9 Working-class consciousness was also moulded by attempts of the Conservative Party after extension of the franchise in 1867 to construct working-class interests as their own ( p 57 ) .
10 After storms disturbed the sea , the fish themselves could be contaminated by secretions of the disturbed molluscs .
11 These Articles , confirmed by Acts of the Scottish and English Parliament ( Union with England Act 1706 ; Union with Scotland Act 1706 ) , were to ‘ be held and observed in all time coming as a Fundamental and Essential Condition ’ of union .
12 If the relationship between recall and other measures is entirely mediated by characteristics of the different junctions we would expect to find that within an individual junction there would be no consistent differences between those occasions when it was recalled and those when it was not recalled on any of the other variables .
13 To her delight he even took to discussing his work with her , and Leonora listened , rapt , utterly fascinated by glimpses of the other , professional Penry Vaughan she secretly found so impressive .
14 Aldershot Town 1992 was set up by fans of the original club when it folded earlier this year with huge financial problems .
15 Further minor straws in the wind were Archbishop Makarios ’ request for British help in Cyprus in December 1963 , which drew in most of the Strategic Reserve 's 3rd Division before a hand-over to the United Nations could be negotiated ; and the quelling of the military mutinies in newly independent Tanzania , Kenya and Uganda in January 1964 , at their governments ’ request , by Commandos brought on the aircraft-carrier Centaur from Aden and by units of the Strategic Reserve in Kenya .
16 On another of occasion , Sullivan arrived in his armour-plated Chrysler ( which an enraged mob had once found too heavy to overturn ) to find the palace surrounded by tanks ( sold to the Shah by the British ) and by units of the Imperial Guard heavily armed with machine guns and anti-aircraft weapons .
17 Most of them had been due to efforts on the spot by units of the Red Army .
18 Marines backed by units of the French Foreign Legion took control of much of Mogadishu during Dec. 9 , seizing weapons , although their operations were encumbered by curious crowds and reporters .
19 According to villagers , Serbian insurgents killed those left wounded after Dalj was occupied by units of the Yugoslav National Army .
20 The external doses recorded for the fathers in our study are orders of magnitude lower than the external doses received by survivors of the atomic bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki , whose children are not at an increased risk of childhood leukaemia .
21 KILLINGS of unarmed civilians in Colombia by sectors of the armed forces have reached unprecedented levels , according to a report by Amnesty International published today , writes Isabel Hilton .
22 There is a Federal Assembly of 42 members , elected by universal adult suffrage for a five-year term , most recently in March 1987 , when all seats were declared won by candidates of the then sole legal party , the Union for Comorian Progress , although opposition candidates were permitted to stand ; legislative elections are expected to be held in the course of 1990 .
23 The Federal Assembly was last elected in March 1987 , when all seats were declared won by candidates of the then sole legal party , Udzima , although opposition candidates were permitted to stand .
24 The remaining five seats , allocated for election by minority communities such as Chinese , Europeans and other Pacific islanders , were all filled by candidates of the General Voters ' Party ( until 1990 the General Electors ' Association ) .
25 SINGER Sam Sorono , who appeared on the last series of Granada TV 's Stars in their Eyes competition impersonating Tom Jones and again last Saturday has been voted Vocalist of the Year by readers of the national club magazine Club Mirror .
26 Activity-dependent potentiation can also be classified on the basis of whether or not its induction is blocked by antagonists of the N- methyl-D-aspartate ( NMDA ) subtype of glutamate receptor ( Box 1 ) .
27 Commentators calculated that without tactical voting by supporters of the liberal Democratic Party ( which fell to third place after coming second in 1989 ) , the NP would have lost .
28 Attempts by supporters of the radical Vishwa Hindi Parishad to begin construction of a Hindu temple on the grounds of the shrine in late October had resulted in serious violence [ see p. 37774 ] .
29 The Jordanian Popular Democratic Unity Party ( JPDUP ) was formed in November by supporters of the radical Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine ( PFLP ) .
30 The announcement of the conquests of Adowa and Makalle was followed at home by demonstrations of support and enthusiasm , organized by supporters of the Fascist regime , for the most part older students .
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