Example sentences of "by [noun pl] of [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As a body it naturally reflected the dominant interests in society , though it was prone to being strongly buffeted by conflicts of interest in matters of land , property and amenity .
2 A report commissioned by the UK government on acid rain and nitrogen oxides has concluded that many ecologically sensitive parts of Britain , particularly the wet , upland areas , are in danger of being damaged by emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere .
3 A section of the show is devoted to portrait drawings by artists of members of their family or friends and includes drawings by Annibale Carracci of his father , G.B. Tiepolo of his son , Gustave Schinkel of his daughter and Lucian Freud of his daughter .
4 Finnegan has been under investigation after detectives were called in by creditors of North of England Investments who lost money in the company which collapsed last year .
5 This is perhaps the result of a deliberately indifferent attitude by the composer , who says that the piece can be played by most instruments as a solo , or by groups of instruments as ensembles ; that the general tempo can be between = 42 and 132 , the duration between four and twelve minutes ; and that the ordering of different melodic strands can be quite haphazard .
6 He had taken a captured Italian Lancia lorry along on the trip , as he had heard that there was a roadhouse at Mersa Brega used by groups of officers for meetings .
7 Pages headed Handout are intended primarily for use when the course is being completed by groups of students under the guidance of an instructor or course leader .
8 The second is the introduction of group representation theory in which groups are represented ( via homomorphisms ) by groups of matrices with complex number entities .
9 The practical work of establishing comparability is undertaken by groups of experts from each member state .
10 Clearly irritated , Gorbachev and other senior officials watching the parade faced barracking by groups of protesters for more than 30 minutes before leaving the balcony of the Lenin Mausoleum .
11 The role of individuals is important because industrial behaviour is very strongly influenced by organized trade unions , and trade unions are led ( at all levels … ) by groups of individuals with considerable power , influence and discretion over the industrial relations strategies which they pursue … .
12 At a press conference on May 2 President Vaclav Havel said that he thought that racist attacks by groups of skinheads on Romanies , Vietnamese guest workers and other members of racial minorities were being provoked by supporters or agents of the former communist regime , who were also engaging in disinformation about the situation in the country .
13 Current proposals for changes in family law , recent criticisms by courts of changes in practice and varying standards , and recent research by the Conciliation Project Unit for the Lord Chancellor 's Department all raise important questions about how these services should be provided .
14 Hence , the creation of a single capital market in the EC would seem to require EMU , if capital mobility is to be driven by reasons of efficiency in the allocation of resources .
15 Our discussion of the balance of payments in Section 7. i.1 showed that payments imbalances on the current account would need to be offset by transactions in assets and liabilities ( the capital account ) ; a deficit on the current account , as in the case of the USA ( and also the UK ) , is offset by inflows of funds in the form of short-term and long-term capital .
16 There were many complaints by cyclists of harassment by the police and , in the midst of a social panic such as this , woe betide anyone who fell foul of the law while in charge of a bike .
17 ( 3 ) The court to which an appeal is brought under this section may reverse or vary the order or decision of the court below , and make such other order as may be just ; and without prejudice to the inherent powers of any court referred to in subsection ( 2 ) of this section , provisions may be made by rules of court for authorising the release on bail of an appellant under this section .
18 They were unshaven or bearded , and dressed in leather and woollen breeches that were held together by scraps of hide with remnants of furs decorating their cloaks and the rims of their helms .
19 In periglacial geomorphology , knowledge of contemporary processes was achieved by investigations of permafrost in Siberia and in Alaska and Canada and of cryonival processes in areas such as Spitsbergen .
20 He was obliged to return to earth , however , by signs of excitement at the ramparts , which doubtless heralded another attack … and by the Padre who had asked him a question and was waiting with signs of impatience for his reply .
21 It teaches that the human body is traversed by flows of ch'i along lines known as ‘ meridians ’ .
22 Instead of a world of national economies linked mainly by trade , we have a world linked more closely by flows of funds across national frontiers .
23 By far the greatest part of maintenance research developed by institutions of state for marginal areas has been soil conservation techniques ( outlined in Ch. 5 ) , which , as this book shows , have had to be imposed by colonial powers to be ‘ induced ’ at all .
24 Many urban tradesmen , especially those connected with the building industry , seem to have invested in a small way in housing for rent , but there can be little doubt that the special facilities in raising capital conferred by acts of parliament on turnpike trusts and canal companies enabled them to become the recipients of a flow of capital from sources which would not otherwise have been drawn so directly towards economic improvements .
25 It becomes popular ; uses and trusts become part of the ordinary machinery by which people deal with their property ; they even lend themselves to abuse , which has to be checked by Acts of Parliament in the fourteenth , fifteenth , and sixteenth centuries .
26 This is because so many instinctual demands which will later be unserviceable can not be suppressed by that rational operation of the child 's intellect but have to be tamed by acts of repression behind which , as a rule , lies the motive of anxiety .
27 This caused considerable apprehension , for the Queen of England had been excommunicated by the Holy Father only three years before , and her privateers were taking revenge on her behalf by acts of piracy against the friends of Rome .
28 Repeated attempts to fit a more appropriate sceptre as originally intended have been thwarted by generations of students with a keen sense of tradition .
29 With handles in the shape of a stork , enhanced by gold plating , they have been valued by generations of needleworkers for their very fine points , making them ideal for intricate sewing and embroidery work .
30 This is followed on the afternoon of Shrove Tuesday by processions of individuals in fancy dress — adults and lots of children .
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