Example sentences of "by [adj] [noun pl] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Such examination may also help us to determine provenance by revealing inclusions characteristic of particular geological sources .
2 Diplomatic sources in the capital San'aa , cited in the French press on April 19 , had claimed that Yemen had recently protested to Saudi Arabia over military movements by Saudi forces north of the border with Yemen — a border which had never been clearly delineated .
3 I was warned again and again by friendly police officers of some rank to slacken the pace : and I refused .
4 A coup attempt against the coalition government of President Guillermo Endara Galimany , allegedly masterminded by Eduardo Herrera , a former national police chief retired the previous August , was reported to have been " frustrated " by loyalist police officers on Oct. 16 .
5 ‘ Public relations , ironically , has always had a poor image as being peopled by professional manipulators intent on pulling the wool over the eyes of a gullible public by misleading the media . ’
6 All measurements were performed by technical personnel unware of the treatment given .
7 The next chapter examines some of the statutory responsibilities carried by Social Services Departments in England and Wales , Scotland and Northern Ireland , and areas of particular difficulty in carrying out those responsibilities to care for vulnerable elderly people .
8 Follicular and luteal phase oestradiol levels were highest in women aged 25–29 years , intermediate in women 30–34 , and lowest in women 35 or over ( figure ) , p=0.02 to 0.04 for follicular phase and 0.008 to 0.015 for luteal phase by repeated measures analysis of variance .
9 As an overall test of response , improvements from baseline in Leicester scores , Costa scores , and percentage of skin affected , at all visits during treatment , were compared by repeated measures analysis of variance .
10 Companion will be distributed in Holland by Koninklijke PTT Telecom Nederland NV , Sweden 's Televerket and by British Telecommunications Plc from this year .
11 Open systems are also likely to play a part in the Highlands economy which is set to be revitalised thanks to the ISDN telecommunications system recently installed by British Telecommunications Plc in the area .
12 Help from industry has provided a welcome boost to the restoration of R-Robert , with the bomb beam assembly restored by Dan-Air Services at Lasham , the outer wings were rebuilt by Monarch Aircraft Engineering at Luton , the port engine has been put back into original condition by British Airways Engineering at Heathrow and the cockpit canopy frame donated by the RAF Museum and reglazed by British Airways .
13 Large maps on boards are currently being designed by Public Services staff in co-operation with the Business Development Director .
14 Much of it is clearly apologist , particularly that produced directly by TNCs or by public relations firms on their behalf ( for which see the analysis of Stauffer , 1979 ) .
15 Not to mention recent films by French women directors at a local cinema and women 's videos from Quebec .
16 The statistical significance of the results was assessed by randomised blocks analysis of variance ( ANOVA ) and paired t test as appropriate .
17 These include , for example , rights to a selling exhibition of paintings by contemporary CIS artists in Germany ( 100 paintings at a price of DM600–3000 per painting , transportation costs and insurance to be paid by the German side ) ; rights for foreign firms to make reproductions to order of paintings held in museums in the CIS ( thirty copies at $1500 per copy ) , and exclusive foreign rights to the memoirs of cultural figures and former members of the government .
18 In areas dominated by Quaternary deposits emphasis in research in the late 1950s and subsequently was naturally directed towards the interpretation of the stages and nature of Quaternary landscape change , and this involved the inception of new conceptual models of glacial landform development well exemplified by the way in which J.B. Sissons of the University of Edinburgh developed a theme in many research papers of the interpretation of patterns of deglaciation involving stagnant as well as active ice ( Sissons , 1976 ) .
19 Bank loans carrying fixed interest payments over specific periods , are thought to be more constraining in contrast to the flexibility gained by varying stockholders dividends in line with company performance .
20 Johnson , as a southerner know that in spite of winning 90% of the black vote in 1964 , he would be minutely scrutinized by civil rights leaders for any sign of hesitation in this area .
21 The Board of Palatine Ales plc has seen the announcement by Anglo-Welsh Breweries plc of its offer to acquire the company .
22 The Fiji police believed that the arms , seized by Australian customs officials in Sydney , were intended for disaffected Fijian Indians [ see also p. 36700 ] .
23 The suit was filed in New York by human rights groups on the women 's behalf .
24 The pastor , Laszlo Tokes — reported by Human Rights workers to be in a remote village in the Romanian district of Salaj — belongs to the latter , Calvinist denomination .
25 Eleven convicted murderers were hanged on Nov. 15 in what was claimed by human rights activists as the biggest mass execution in the country 's history .
26 The mass trial was criticized by human rights organizations including Amnesty International and the US-based Middle East Watch .
27 Yesterday Essex were taken to the last over by first-class newcomers Durham before securing a four-wicket win in a 50-over friendly at Chelmsford .
28 In men , cats and rats , the prevention of REM sleep by selective awakenings results in increased amounts of this sleep stage on recovery , as if what had been " missed " was then being " made up " , suggesting that not only does this sleep stage have its own drive mechanism , but it may have an important function .
29 A voire dire was held concerning the admissibility of evidence intended to be called by the prosecution , namely , evidence in the form of video tapes and sound recordings obtained by undercover police officers in a bogus jeweller 's shop , purporting to be willing to purchase stolen property and conversations and statements arising therefrom .
30 The plaintiff sought a declaration that the use of Bridge Road and the section of Medway Road between Bridge Road and its junction up to its junction with Mill Road by heavy goods vehicles coming to and from the premises of the fourth and fifth defendants at the Chatham Dockyard between the hours of 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. constituted a public nuisance ; an injunction prohibiting the fourth and fifth defendants from causing or permitting heavy goods vehicles coming to or from their premises at Chatham Dockyard to use those roads between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. ; an injunction prohibiting the dock company from permitting heavy goods vehicles to enter or leave the Chatham Dockyard by the Gillingham Gate between those hours ; and a mandatory injunction requiring the dock company to take all steps within its power to prevent the use of those roads by heavy goods vehicles of the fourth and fifth defendants between those hours .
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