Example sentences of "by [art] [adj] [noun pl] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Ministry of Posts & Telecommunications has released figures relating to planned investment in equipment by the Japanese telecommunications industry in fiscal 1993 , which ends next month ( Japan confusingly calls it fiscal 1992 ) .
2 Reports published by the Japanese Fisheries Agency ( a government organisation ) between 1968 and 1971 blamed dolphins for damaging fishing gear , stealing hooked fish from fishermen 's lines , dispersing fish schools and causing fish to stop feeding .
3 An investigation by the Japanese Fisheries Agency concluded in an announcement by the Foreign Ministry that the dolphins had committed a " mass suicide " from which local fisherman had been trying to save them by driving them back into the sea .
4 But Mr Mellor said many local authorities found the restrictions imposed by the 1950 Shops Act outmoded and ‘ rightly or wrongly have refused to enforce it . ’
5 • Starlings , house sparrows and blue tits are the three commonest birds found in the gardens in the UK according to a survey published by the Young Ornithologists Club .
6 Funding for the exchange was provided by the Young Workers Exchange Programme ( now part of the PETRA II programme ) , which was involved in promoting quality exchanges between young people aged 18 to 28 .
7 This was arrested , but the following day — 11 November — a renewed German attack by the 4th Guards Division was launched in the southern sector against the British 1st Guards Brigade : the two crack units of the opposing armies .
8 Yet one of the alterations effected in English law by the European Communities Act 1972 is that a person in good faith will not be prejudiced by any ultra vires transactions of a company , provided that the transaction was authorized by the company 's directors .
9 ( c ) European legislation Unlike United Kingdom delegated legislation , European legislation , the most typical example of which is regulations made by the Council of Ministers or ( informally ) the Commission of the European Community , enjoys the force of law within the United Kingdom without any parliamentary endorsement other than the general authorisation conferred by the European Communities Act 1972 ( see pp.136–7 below ) .
10 ( b ) by finding that a domestic statute passed prior to entry is repealed by implication by the European Communities Act 1972 in so far as it fails to accord with our community obligations and thus does not represent the latest intention of Parliament ;
11 ‘ The legal sovereignty of Parliament has not been affected by the European Communities Act . ’
12 There seems to be a strong argument now that the provisions of Regulation 5 of the UK Transfer Regulations , in so far as they make the transfer of the contract of employment compulsory on the employee as well as the employer , are ultra vires and so susceptible to judicial review , in the sense that the government in making the Regulations exceeded the powers conferred on it by the European Communities Act 1972 to make law by delegated legislation .
13 These ‘ five techniques ’ ( requiring prisoners to wear hoods over their heads unless they were separated from other inmates or being interrogated , having them stand spreadeagled against a wall for up to 43 hours , depriving them of sleep , subjecting them to electronic noise and beating them ) were subsequently condemned as ‘ torture ’ by the European Rights Commission ( Hewitt , 1982:157–8 ) .
14 A very visible recent example is the campaign by the European Publishers Council in conjunction with the European Advertising Agencies Association , which is designed to bring to public attention proposals about advertising by the European commission which the EPC regards , with some justification , as potentially damaging to free speech and , even , free trade .
15 The Red Triangle is published by the External Relations Unit , Napier University , Edited by .
16 A 0–60 mph acceleration time of 6.6 seconds , with 0–100 mph in 24.5 seconds , is pretty quick even by the best sports car standards .
17 Curiously , in the United States there was an optimism and a new sense of confidence after Ronald Reagan became president ( a confidence later deflated by the Iranian arms fiasco ) .
18 They will then be considered by the Restrictive Practices Court to decide if they are fair and reasonable , unless the Office of Fair Trading recommends that reference to the court is unnecessary on the basis that the terms are reasonable .
19 Emanuel Hospital , as it was called for two and a half centuries , lived quietly in Westminster into the nineteenth century and until a more elaborate scheme was developed by the Endowed Schools Commission .
20 Produced by Food from Britain and supported by the Home-Grown Cereals Authority , 250,000 leaflets were distributed via the eggs and bakery ingredients departments , backed up by special price offers on selected items .
21 Now write the letter next to that person 's name in the box by the appropriate sports category below .
22 As the House is aware , these proposals are opposed by the entire police service of this country by the Police Federation , by the Police Superintendents Association and by the Association of Chief Police Officers .
23 Re-opening of the Van Railway came in 1896 and it was then worked by the Cambrian Railways Company until absorbed by the GWR in 1923 .
24 Obscenity , the more serious crime , is punished by the Obscene Publications Act 1959 , either after a trial by judge or jury or by " forfeiture proceedings " under a law which authorises local justices to destroy obscene books and films discovered within their jurisidiction .
25 A limited defence is provided by the Obscene Publications Act for those defendants who act merely as innocent disseminators of obscene material .
26 Zipper , a gay sex shop in North London , has a licence but has been raided on numerous occasions by the Obscene Publications Squad .
27 It is instructive to compare this document with the statement on Automation and Technical Change adopted by the 1965 Trades Union Congress .
28 Moreover , if there was maladministration it is of little consequence now in that the new regime established by the Financial Services Act of 1986 has rendered the DTI 's role in this matter redundant .
29 FINANCIAL advisers and fund management companies authorised by the Financial Services Act could have to find more than £37m to compensate investor losses — a threefold rise in 12 months .
30 At that time the industry was having difficulties adjusting to the new rules imposed by the Financial Services Act . ’
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