Example sentences of "by [verb] [pron] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't think anyone will make a fortune by patenting them as a method of space travel , but they have become a very exciting area of research .
2 It will decide on April 29 whether the Daily Express and the Independent invaded family privacy by naming her as the girl in the broadcast .
3 Babies probably start by seeing everyone as an aspect of their mother and call them ‘ Mama ’ or something very like it .
4 It rescues psychoanalysis from the confusions it had been led into by seeing itself as a natural science , like physics or chemistry .
5 In the cases of indirect wording , for example , the testator had not stated that he intended X to be a trustee for Y. None the less he had made his intention that there should be a legal relationship between them plain , and the jurists validated the disposition by construing it as a trust .
6 In the fieldwork situation the anthropologist 's aim must be that his informants should treat him as their pupil and that they should be prepared to teach him their way of life by accepting him as a kinsman , so that , as near as may be , he becomes " one of us " .
7 By politicizing his text in this way Sukenick runs the risk of linking authorial production with political manipulation , but he regularly plays down the privilege of composition by including himself as a minor character within his narratives .
8 All these , we know , are inversions of the truth , yet by using himself as a reference point , Iago can convince people to the stage where they accept his view unquestioningly .
9 Some skip the tight fantastic by using them as a jumping rope , others wear them as a scarf or string them up in the garden as a washing line .
10 The immersion programme in Canada ( described in Stern 1978 , 1983 ; Swain 1978 , 1982 ; Swain and Lapkin 1981 ) involves the teaching of French contingently by using it as a medium of instruction for other subjects on the curriculum .
11 Nevertheless , it looks very much as if he was able to help young Ben out a bit : probably by employing him as a commercial traveller in his own drapery business .
12 Raising victim consciousness could also be achieved by incorporating it as a function explicitly pursued by controlling and regulating agencies .
13 There was also Captain Hawes , another ex-serviceman , who was finally executed for robberies on the moor ; Whitney , the butcher , who was feared for his savagery and barbarism ; Captain Stafford , a Londoner who found fame on the moor , and Thomas Simpson ( Old Mob ) who , although hideously ugly , managed to evade capture regularly by disguising himself as a woman .
14 Brin Weare fooled the enemy by disguising himself as a priest .
15 Brin Weare fooled the enemy by disguising himself as a priest .
16 It does this by disguising itself as an aphid , in order to avoid being detected by the ants .
17 ‘ I have sometimes thought that more might be done than is commonly attempted in education to familiarise the idea of death to the minds of children by representing it as the grand event for which they were born ; and thus making a future state the object of their chief interest and ambition .
18 Mrs Molina , who won 55% of the vote in the run-off , triumphed by painting herself as an outsider and a reformer .
19 Jesus releases us from this addiction by revealing himself as the willing servant , humbled to the point of death , submitting his will to the will of God .
20 The 19-year-old wonderkid from Romford could save the Gunners more than £2million in the transfer market by establishing himself as a key figure in his club 's revived quest for the Premier League title .
21 Deism frees this bound-in monadic god by releasing him as an immanent but impersonal spirit .
22 But it was the unanimous view of the board that it manifested contempt towards the divinity of Christ by presenting him as a living man , not a symbol , and as the object of overt sexual passion .
23 The one certainty is that he has consistently sought to secure his own position , mostly by presenting himself as a sensible centrist between the extremes to his right and left .
24 Neil Kinnock has won a standing ovation from the Labour Party faithful at their conference in Blackpool , by presenting himself as the next Prime Minister .
25 She understood now what Mr Stanforth had meant by describing him as a man who had deliberately evaded certain responsibilities and involvements , and even kept his affairs in scrupulous order mainly to avoid being badgered , or giving anyone a hold on him .
26 Clarence Hiles in the Ulster Cricketer , reiterates the esteem in which Sean was held by describing him as the doyen of Irish cricket writers ‘ who tackled all the main issues , in the caring thoughtful manner which made him so popular with both players and officials alike . ’
27 Clarence Hiles in the Ulster Cricketer , reiterates the esteem in which Sean was held by describing him as the doyen of Irish cricket writers ‘ who tackled all the main issues , in the caring thoughtful manner which made him so popular with both players and officials alike . ’
28 He had effectively signed his own death-warrant by describing himself as a British subject .
29 In one yesterday , an article by Islington Council leader Margaret Hodge ended by describing her as the leader of the Association of Local Authorities since 1093 .
30 Yet more clearly , perhaps , by describing something as an ontological existent clearly , perhaps , by describing something as an ontological existent we are in effect committed to accepting that this something , at any given time , can be rightfully claimed to belong to one , and only one , out of each pair of mutually exclusive classed in any universe of discourse in which this existent features as a topic .
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