Example sentences of "by [verb] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This lining can be fitted to the outer curtain by hanging it from the same curtain hooks ( fig. 26a ) , or from the base of the glider on a track with combined hook/gliders ( fig. 26b ) .
2 As well as a means of ensuring that interoperability and compatibility between different vendors ' Tuxedo-based products , USL wants the club to clearly identify these products by stamping them with the Tuxedo brand .
3 You use this both to anchor the sledge during a trip , by stamping it into the snow , and at the start of each day to hold the sledge , by clunking it on to a tree trunk .
4 The rig is partly used to steer the board through the turn by angling it across the board into wind .
5 But the puritan lobby do a disservice to their cause by lumping everything under the one name , just as the temperance lobby forfeit respect by classing a Christmas sherry with a vodka bacchanal .
6 Clive also attended , visibly gleeful that he had spared the school any undesirable publicity by unloading me in the nick of time .
7 The main light was behind him , but I could still see the shadows on his face ; they were more marked than ever , and I had the foolish illusion that I could remove them by stroking them with the tips of my fingers .
8 It will decide on April 29 whether the Daily Express and the Independent invaded family privacy by naming her as the girl in the broadcast .
9 " I tell you what — I do n't think I can do any more by seeing him at the moment , but I think you should cut out his meat completely for a week or two .
10 There is an inflation of pride , through intensified awareness of one 's own power by seeing oneself through the subject 's eyes .
11 The temptation to say the coin caused the bar to come out can be explained by seeing it for the ordinary cause that it was , and of what event it was the cause , and of what nearby event it was not the cause .
12 Attach the first fabric panel by centring it between the outside edge of the first vertical batten and the middle of the second one .
13 He embraces suicide as deed , as the one true act in a false world , as supreme podvig , as feat to end feats , God-killing , god-making ; and in doing so he exemplifies , as others before and Ivan Karamazov after him , the truth that Dostoevsky can only satisfy his hunger for crisis and clarity by bestowing it on the enemy .
14 As a result she is not allowed by her mother to supplement the family income by helping her in the fields , since to be seen doing it would mean she had become an illiterate villager again .
15 The department was now hoping to integrate relevant library skills worksheets fully into the lower-school course structure by including them within the science-course booklets , and supplementing them with " home-grown " activities where necessary .
16 So when it becomes clear that a criminal case is not proceeding as anticipated — a trial is not scuppered by lobbing something into the ring — there are discreet discussions between learned friends in chambers , many exchanges of the phrase ‘ I 'm much obliged ’ and finally the jury is summoned back .
17 Commands are chosen from an onscreen menu by touching them with the tip of the pointer and executed by pressing one or both of the buttons .
18 CAMPAIGN from Empire attempts to defeat this division , by allowing you on the one hand to be in control of complete military formations and make strategic decisions , and then as your valiant troops come into contact with the enemy allow you to drop down into each tank and fight for glory .
19 While LIFESPAN RDBI is running the error log file may be accessed by typing it to the screen .
20 We have compared the expression levels of VP6 and NS1 proteins in alternative sites by cloning one into the Bam HI site and the other in the Spe I/ Sma I sites or vice versa .
21 The effect of a specific sequence on gene expression was therefore assessed by cloning it into the Bam HI site at -105 in this promoter .
22 But it means , too , transforming these traditions , by imbuing them with the woman-centered values of nurturance and intimacy , as necessary and legitimate goals of political life .
23 Subscriptions to the quarterly HVA ‘ current awareness bulletin' may also be arranged by contacting her at the address given above .
24 Even when all intended partners of the new firm have indicated assent it will still be necessary to establish some order of seniority and to select the first senior partner : though joint senior partners are not unknown , the better arrangement may be for some restriction to be put upon the time that office is held by any one individual so that by rotating it between the participating firms a reasonable balance is achieved .
25 It seeks only to open up the lines of enquiry sketched out here ; and it does so in the hope that by bringing them into the debate , it may contribute towards a fuller and more objective assessment of Mary 's reign — and Mary 's misfortunes .
26 It is only by bringing them into the light of day that we can assess their cogency .
27 Diana has helped Charles by bringing him into the modern era , teasing him and leavening his spirits , and keeping him young and abreast of young people 's thinking .
28 In his Commentaries on the Laws of England published over half a century before the 1870 Education Act , Blackstone wrote that ‘ it is not easy to imagine or allow that a parent has conferred any considerable benefit on his child by bringing him into the world , if he afterwards entirely neglects his culture and education , and suffers him to grow up like a mere beast , to lead a life useless to others and shameful to himself ’ .
29 Durability , comfort , less fatigue and increased ball control are some of the reasons why it has become a Grand Slam surface , and why En Tout Cas decided to endorse its stated policy of choice and availability of surfaces , by bringing it to the UK .
30 When you tilt the main bed , to add a ribber , you must also tilt your knitting ( by bringing it over the ribber ) to maintain the correct angle .
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