Example sentences of "at a [adj] [noun sg] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 If you wait five years it gets slightly steeper so the force to you becomes that and so on and so forth , forty five fifty and you can see at fifty five if you want to retire at a certain age er what 's the age that you actually want to retire ?
2 Most white people , ’ Hall told Time , ‘ have never been to a party at a black person 's house .
3 If you look at a small child 's eyes , they are always looking in the direction in which they are moving .
4 Yet at a poor family 's most crucial and most public celebrations , at a marriage or at the birth of a male child , the absence of a hijra would almost invalidate the whole ceremony .
5 Anything to break the monotony of waiting , yet being at a split second 's notice to move , to any incident , anywhere in the city .
6 Only thoughts , actions , moves and attacks which have been practised until they are second nature will be available at a split second 's notice .
7 I 've changed my address Dr , I 'm at a wee pensioner 's house .
8 He had gone on to a party at a rich woman 's house , he explained , and seen a display of drinks such as he had never seen on earth before .
9 Paul gets deeply drunk at a New Year 's Eve party , where those friends who already have children get wheezily maudlin and dilate on the sheer cost of small kids versus the sheer joy of small kids ; while those who do n't have kids elbow him constantly , calling him a bit of a sharp-shooter , a devil , a sperm-bank , a prong , a peopler of nations and an irresponsible git .
10 Through the Lousadas Minton was to an extent drawn into a Hammersmith circle of artists which included Victor Pasmore , Julian Trevelyan and Mary Fedden who once danced with Minton at a New Year 's Eve party until she literally dropped , whereupon he gently laid her down on the floor .
11 Further out , in the fashionable village-suburb of Breasbrough , civic spirits were high at a New Year 's Eve party , where left-wing councillors , left-wing teachers , left-wing journalists , left-wing social workers and a few agnostic entrepreneurs raised their glasses and looked forward to the exhilarating confrontation of the approaching steel strike : they were high on a recent freak by-election in the neighbourhood which had reversed the national trend to the Right and given , in their own view , a renewed popular blessing to their defiant , daring programme of high social expenditure .
12 In one scene of this comedy about university revue artists meeting in acrimony ten years later and which also features comedienne Rita Rudner , Branagh as a once-promising writer reduced to penning an American TV sitcom for his wife had to become drunk at a New Year 's Party .
13 Mr Johnson gave the two girls up to six allergy tablets , after a row with his wife at a New Year 's party .
14 Without doubt giving customers and crew that good feeling , it also provided a photo-opportunity at a recent visitor 's day .
15 However , there were attempts at a private member 's bill : the Rape ( Anonymity of Victims ) Bill was introduced by Mr F.P. Crowder , and there was another in 1975 by Jack Ashley , stemming from concern that raped women were not reporting the crime because of fear of press publicity .
16 It was the AMA 's Peter Westland who , at a private King 's fund College seminar on phase two of community care implementation last April , called on Wordsworth to help express his fears about care management 's impact on service users .
17 Dulé saw him fall , and ran , swung himself up the smooth wall of the redoubt where the gunners were hard at work , and found himself at a mere arm 's length from one .
18 It remains constant up to a CO coverage of 0.05 monolayers before starting to fall , eventually returning to the clean surface value at a fractional coverage CO =0.35 .
19 When the dielectric loss factor is measured at a characteristic frequency ο max and a given temperature , it passes through a maximum when a relaxation occurs , and the dipole relaxation time , can be obtained .
20 If we add component A to component B at a constant temperature T4 , A will dissolve in B to form a solution until point X is reached .
21 Now that he 'd told her he wanted the club , Adam would probably expect her to keep him at a wary arm 's length .
22 The Kingscote mosaic itself , like those of rooms 5 , 11 and 14 at Chedworth , could lie at a stylistic crossroads ' .
23 When there are several poles and zeros , the strength of the spectrum at a particular pulsatance ο is obtained by taking the product of the lengths of the various vectors drawn from the zeros to the point on the imaginary axis and dividing this by the product of the lengths of the several vectors drawn from the poles to the same point on the imaginary axis .
24 For example , the tribunal may have been motivated by resentment at a particular member 's share of the market , or have suspended the member , not for bona fide reasons , but because of the opportunity it gave their firms to acquire some of the suspended member 's customers .
25 And the examiner was arrested only after he made passes at a military policeman 's wife .
26 They have more er discussions at a senior level er of these particular problems , that there is in fact scope for a useful political dialogue .
27 Yet , in sharp contrast , village life here moves little faster than at a slow donkey 's pace and has a simple , rustic feel which gives it a special charm .
28 The membrane broke open and he found himself looking at a little horse 's head lying upon a pair of stretched out forelegs , a perfect little head with shell-like curling nostrils and a narrow white blaze , and wet , flattened-down ears .
29 A rook , picking at a dead rabbit 's eyes , hesitated before he lumbered up and flew away .
30 ‘ Speak on , ’ said I with more encouragement than a Brahman temple dancer at a Brown Shirt 's bump supper .
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