Example sentences of "at the same time [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 This account of science is indeed overly optimistic but at the same time limited .
2 It recognized and at the same time limited the importance of Egypt , Mesopotamia and above all Iran .
3 Walkerdine , recording interviews with and observing a working-class 6-year-old girl and her family in their home , uses fantasy to explore how she identifies with the family from her working-class childhood , and is at the same time distanced from it by her middle-class academic adulthood :
4 She hesitated , sadly , desperately anxious to accept , absurdly delighted that he had asked her , that he had so coolly bothered to cross the room to ask her , and yet at the same time horrified by the thought of displaying herself , by the thought of dragging her hideous dress from its hole-in-the-corner obscurity , by the thought of dancing at all , for she did not know how to dance .
5 He was standing quite still , feeling both paralysed and yet at the same time filled with a flood of energy .
6 Her voice sounded strange to her ; weak and croaking , but at the same time filled with a passion she had not known she felt .
7 However , indebtedness had at the same time gone up from 90 per cent of GNP to a January 1990 level of 120 per cent , the second highest in Western Europe .
8 The CPSU control commission expelled the coup leaders from the party on Aug. 23 , condemning their actions , but at the same time warned against " anti-communist hysteria " .
9 I wonder if I could have belonged to revolutionary movements , even if they were as just as — I find the panthers ' movement and the Palestinians ' movement to be very just — but this belonging , this sympathizing with them is at the same time dictated by the erotic charge which the Arab world in its totality or the black American world represents to me , to my sexuality .
10 This territory had been annexed to Poland after its occupation by the Red Army at the end of the Second World War , a situation accepted de facto by the Western powers at the Potsdam conference of July-August 1945 ( the northern part of East Prussia being at the same time incorporated into the Soviet Union ) .
11 ( At the same time cut out two front side window shapes , and leave to dry out on non-stick paper until needed . )
12 Yet we are at the same time perturbed by more recent and present-day developments .
13 ‘ Hi di Hi ’ , the collective address of ‘ Goodnight Campers ’ — these greetings welcomed millions to packaged mass pleasure and at the same time contributed to the growing marginalization of other practices in leisure .
14 Four months in France had quietened her down and at the same time given her a veneer of sophistication quite lacking before .
15 Rosalind Krauss has observed that this principle of textual reproducibility was prevalent , although at the same time given ideological denial , in modernism , itself .
16 ‘ My mother had earned money all her life and brought up three children at the same time seen their noses were wiped and their morals sound .
17 He considers a trust in favour of the family fideicommissum familiae relictum ) : a settlor has established it ; a member of the family is benefiting from it , but he is at the same time bound by the trust to hand on the property on death to a further member of the family .
18 This sort of moral principle , which may be thought to have the backing of international Opinion , and therefore be part of the positive morality of the international community , can readily be dubbed part of natural law , that is , of binding rules of universal application , and at the same time regarded as general principles of international law .
19 The Prime Minister , Crown Prince Shaikh Saad al Abdullah as-Salim as-Sabah , was at the same time authorized to form a new government [ see pp. 34767-68 ] .
20 As required by tradition , Spitaels at the same time resigned as PS president at national level , a post which he had held since 1981 .
21 For contemporaries the moral that they order these things better in France was particularly easy to draw , for Neptune had been independently and at the same time predicted by U. J. J. Le Verrier .
22 After his father died in 1835 , leaving the business to him , he remained in Liverpool until 1841 , when he moved to Manchester and at the same time entered into partnership with another Liverpool optician under the name Abraham & Dancer .
23 The previous generic name for many of them , Heros , was at the same time restricted to our old friend the Severum , so that can not be used .
24 Anarchist risings in January 1932 , January 1933 and December 1933 , while highly regionalized and easily suppressed , provided evidence of the Republic 's failure to embrace a large part of the Spanish lower class and at the same time helped convince many middle-class Spaniards that Republican democracy was the breeding ground of disorder and revolution .
25 If we compare the height of A , B , and C , shown below , we can see that B is at the same time linked with A , which it follows and C that it precedes , and the three are ordered in sequence : A , B , C. B is , at the same time , taller than A and shorter than C.
26 The 1967 law of military service , which reduced the term of conscription from three years to two ( and from four years to three in the Navy and Air Forces ) at the same time set in motion the expansion of an already considerable effort at pre-conscription and para-military training : between 1967–1972 the budget of the para-military training organisation , DOSAAF ( Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army , Air Force and Navy ) underwent a threefold increase .
27 Rather , the idea was to see people as simultaneously subject both to natural and instinctive drives while at the same time caught up in the various forms of culture and social relations which human societies construct in a more conscious way .
28 The hot sting of tears pricked painfully at her eyes as the agony of hating him and yet wanting him so desperately all at the same time overwhelmed her .
29 In 1872 , the CWS agreed to do so ; but in 1875 the employees ' right to a bonus was abrogated when delegates to a quarterly meeting of consumers ' societies ‘ swept away the entire bonus system after less than three years ’ trial , and at the same time abolished the United Employees ' Association and the privileges ' — that is , on the purchases of goods — ‘ attached to it , decreeing that employees should share and share alike with other members both as purchasers and as recipients of dividends on their purchases . ’
30 Last year Lord Petre planted out about ten thousand Americans which , being at the same time mixed with about twenty thousand Europeans , and some Asians , make a very beautiful appearance , great art and skill being shown in consulting everyone 's particular growth and the well blending of the greens …
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