Example sentences of "at the time [conj] [det] " in BNC.

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1 No-one usin' it at the time so that was lucky too . ’
2 The railway ghost caused a great stir in Darlington at the time but many were very sceptical about its bona fides .
3 ‘ It depends on the demand in the trade at the time but some years the training classes are full and sometimes there 's hardly any recruits at all , ’ he explained .
4 The Tournament at Eglinton caught the fancy of the nation at the time but few who were involved could have thought that it would be so well remembered 150 years later .
5 At the time that many of the people participating in our research became disabled , life expectancy for people with various impairments was often very low .
6 Er and it was felt appropriate at the time that that should be indicated on the T the key diagram to be to be helpful more than nothing else .
7 As he put it : " We were rather cross at the time that all the torches back on the shore spoilt our chances of photographing the moon . "
8 I remember at the time that all the crews felt a great deal happier being so much nearer the rest of the Lancs and Halifaxes , and no longer were in great danger of our oppoes dropping bombs and incendiaries on us .
9 Some of the officers concerned were also unsure at the time that such courses had been sufficiently thought through .
10 Now it was a rule and the custom at the time that any of the staff could impose a fine on the spot and in this circumstance Fagan imposed a fine of 10 " ackers " — that is 10 piastres , which I can not remember what the value was at the time , but let us say it was something in the order of 5 .
11 It was widely recognised at the time that these practices were the tip of a much larger iceberg of old-age abuse .
12 There was a widely held view amongst sentencers at the time that these powers were too limited ; while the furtherance of types of punishment not necessitating the deprival of liberty had been a perennial cause of penal reformers .
13 At the time that these discussions were taking place , SCOTVEC had embarked upon its Advanced Courses Development Programme , and the college therefore seized the opportunity to meet these local training needs by submitting a proposal for a unitised HNC in Computer Aided Engineering .
14 It seemed to me at the time that this fact did not square with claims that the Bible was inerrant .
15 I was told at the time that this system had been adopted because it was impossible to fit a mechanical servo as fitted to the Series III without major surgery ,
16 Of course I did n't know at the time that this was to have been O's last night in The Bar ; and I knew that it was n't Boy 's first visit to The Bar , I mean he did not see O the very day he walked in , their eyes did not meet across the bar on that very first night .
17 The centre of the discussion was the school curriculum ; and it was frequently observed at the time that this was the first occasion on which politicians or the public at large had concerned themselves with what had hitherto been a wholly professional matter .
18 His friends and colleagues were trying to persuade him at the time that this would not be wise — what on earth would happen to the British election campaign if the country had to go to war in the Gulf half-way through ?
19 Many subsequent critics have taken up the point made by radical blacks at the time that this was a romantic and pastoral view of the rural South , but several early critics hailed the film as a brilliantly realistic depiction of a whole section of American society .
20 As was intimated in the introduction , although there is little evidence to suggest that sexual behaviour changed greatly in the period , the feeling remained for many people at the time that this was nevertheless what was happening .
21 The Great Casterton villa excavation produced a good example ( Corder 1951 , 24 — 40 ) , but it was carefully noted at the time that this destruction by fire involved only one building and was , therefore , an accident and had no relevance to any historical event .
22 I did not realise at the time that this species ( or form ) is strongly dimorphic in size , with the female attaining a mere 4″ or so S.L. when fully grown .
23 It was obvious at the time that this was not the first operation of its kind .
24 It had seemed to her at the time that this was all she was to be allowed of Ace , and so it became the most precious thing in her life .
25 She did n't know at the time that some day she would call herself ‘ artist ’ or ‘ writer ’ — not many teenage coloured girls from the Gorbals in Glasgow had trailblazed a path in that direction , so it was a real exploration into the unknown for her when at sixteen she set out to go to college to study fashion .
26 There was a lot of interest in Harold Burns ' activities at the time and many of the older people remember him and his Flea .
27 Unfortunately one was having its innards repaired at the time and another gave up the ghost after operating for all of a second .
28 His lively personality won him many well-wishers at the time and those fans did n't forget him on his birthday .
29 I believe erm the rulers of Kuwait at the time were very erm wise to make such treaty with the British for the protection of their country and the British respected the Kuwait autonomy at the time and this joint erm respect for each other I believe which gave rise to Kuwait to be what it is today .
30 Such a number represented about one-half of the NAS&FU 's likely membership at the time and some two-thirds of all the foreigners sailing on British ships .
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