Example sentences of "at the [adj] time [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The economy probably is better than it was a year ago , the computer retail business is strong and the general consumer electronics business at the present time seems to be running ahead of last year , ’ Roach said .
2 Getting your supporters enthusiastic at the right time requires strategy and planning and that is a political weakness in the UK .
3 Failure to take the right step at the right time leads to deception or inadequacy .
4 Once dormant , however , their metabolism slows down so much that the pineal is virtually switched off , and how they manage to rouse themselves at the correct time remains a mystery .
5 The need for insolvency at the relevant time does not apply to transactions at an undervalue entered into less than two years before the individual is adjudged bankrupt .
6 The second major respect in which the assertion of the social rights of citizens has become more important is that it expresses the claims of very diverse groups in society to equal treatment , and at the same time broadens considerably the range of what are to be regarded as social rights .
7 The sombre light , evoked through the use of half-tones , creates a brooding melancholy , binds together the complex figure groups and at the same time subdues the havoc surrounding the spotlit Nelson .
8 The dear boy is very passionate , and his love for me making life now utterly happy , at the same time fills me with a sense of great responsibility .
9 We describe a series of equipment that reduces local doses and gamma radiation more efficiently than traditional equipment and at the same time facilitates the handling of the isotopes .
10 The addition of oboes to a high melodic cello passage gives it great poignancy , and at the same time counteracts the tendency towards thinness of tone which is apt to be somewhat distressing unless the cellos are both first-rate and numerous .
11 This definition , according to Schumpeter , is a summary or basis of a revised theory of democracy which is much truer to life and at the same time salvages much of what the sponsors of democratic method really mean by this term' Schumpeter builds up a definition of the modern political system in the West , which he claims ‘ to try out on some of the more important features of the structure and working of the political engine in democratic countries ’ .
12 Macbeth defends but at the same time accuses himself ; ‘ Thou canst not say I did it : never shake/Thy gory locks at me ’ ( 50f . ) .
13 The surge in blood glucose may produce a temporary ‘ burst ’ , but at the same time imposes a mild metabolic stress on the body .
14 They tell the listener that the speaker wishes to hold on to his conversational turn , but at the same time asks for assistance .
15 Money markets are therefore a device which has grown up to adjust liquidity principally between financial institutions and at the same time enables a return on deposits to be maximised .
16 The anorexic cultivates emptiness ( and being emptied , through purgation , etc. ) and at the same time denies it — or , at least , denies its pain .
17 As the final building in a line of four-storey semi-detached villas , it compliments its neighbours and at the same time relates approximately in both function and scale to neighbouring buildings in a mews at the rear .
18 A cash underwritten alternative occurs where the bidder offers its own shares to the shareholders of the target but at the same time arranges for its merchant bank to offer to buy from accepting shareholders , who wish to take cash , all or a proportion of those shares immediately .
19 He believes , therefore , that his criticism of identity at the same time helps to put a stop to this virulent and mystifying doctrine .
20 he pulls the attacker 's arm downwards and at the same time strikes upwards with a palm heel to the chin .
21 Feminists need a more dynamic view of reading , one which maintains a political perspective , but which at the same time concedes that there is room for manoeuvre between text and audience .
22 A more immediate issue concerns the consequences for labour of a structure which gives priority to flexibility yet at the same time promises a lifetime of permanent employment which seems to imply inflexibility .
23 Lungeing interspersed with riding progresses training and at the same time minimises the risk of strain .
24 For as he increases the number of categories in terms of which phenomena are to be explained , he at the same time multiplies the number of relations between them ; and since each factor is in some way dependent on a large number of others , the resulting range of possible variations is immense .
25 Language orders the world of perception and at the same time constitutes a knowing subject that perceives and yet is distinguished from that world .
26 The same is true of the meanings of lexical units : each one consists of an indefinite number of contextual relations but at the same time constitutes a unified whole .
27 If it accepts , it thereby agrees to purchase the item for cash from the trader and at the same time agrees to transfer it on hire-purchase terms to the customer .
28 Plénitude Action Liposomes , the star product in the range , penetrates the inner layers of the epidermis and at the same time allows the lipidic ingredients to nourish the upper layers of the skin .
29 That these killings have happened at the same time does n't help ’
30 Nevertheless , each of these traditions at the same time lays emphasis upon the ‘ immanence ’ ( presence ) of God in the world .
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