Example sentences of "at the [adj] [noun] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 On surfacing , the rate again speeds up , generally remaining at the higher level until the carbon dioxide content of the exhaled air has returned to normal — usually in a few seconds .
2 After 1980 it was possible for charities to reclaim tax paid on money covenanted to them for four years or more , not just at the standard rate of tax , but at the higher rate if individuals paid tax at the higher rate .
3 But the irony is that a human being , with all his potential capacity for understanding , is actually so cut off from his fellow humans that a plant sometimes has better perceptions at the subtle level than he has !
4 The LTA is operating in what is today a very professional tennis world , yet on all the LTA 's innumerable committees , there is hardly a single person who has had personal experience of playing top class international tennis at the highest level since the game went ‘ Open ’ in 1968 .
5 Goals via the through ball are always hard to come by at the highest level because of the quality of defenders and the sweeper system .
6 It moved to the then co-ordinator of security and intelligence in the Cabinet Office , Sir Antony Duff , who was given the right of direct access to Mrs Thatcher and encouraged to override the JIC 's supporting machinery and voice his concerns at the highest level when a potential emergency was sensed .
7 A heavy swell pounded and cascaded over the broken pier at the narrow entrance as we made a hair-raising dash through to keep steerage way .
8 They stared silently out at the gentle panorama until their reveries were interrupted by loud barking from the graveyard .
9 I usually stand at the shallow end after she 's finished teaching me the floating bit , and watch her have her swim .
10 Such local compensation , however , can not occur at the small scale because the lithosphere has a finite strength and so changes in load result in regional isostatic adjustments over a greater area than that actually affected by the change in load ( Fig. 4.7(B) ) .
11 ‘ Eh , gracias , eh , señor , ’ I half spat at the small man as I turned my back on him and left .
12 Putting the ‘ corpse ’ down , she gave up and was gazing sadly at the small body when , about two minutes after its ‘ death ’ , it suddenly took a few very deep breaths and started to move about .
13 You could n't afford a dead Connie at the Regal Arms while there was still a live Connie at Zimmerman 's Sanatorium .
14 She looked at the strong hand as it shifted gears and continued resting on the lever .
15 Becker hints at the inside model when he concludes , not without generating some confusion , that ‘ whether a given act is deviant or not depends in part on the nature of the act ( that is , whether or not it violates some rule ) and in part on what other people do about it ’ .
16 A number of that 25-35 age range were brought in as one of two groups who had an opportunity to look at the various stages while the possible designs were still being examined .
17 erm I think it 's really encouraged by the fact that the erm gipsy sites which one sees around the County at the present moment because there is very little control over them , are most unsightly and do considerable damage to the countryside , and people do not wish this to happen in their own area .
18 and erm , it is therefore in those circumstances foolhardy in my opinion to carry on with the British Assessment Programme at the present rate when the effects on our roads are likely to be so drastic
19 We know rather little about what kind of bargains are struck at the present time although inheritance is always a possible way of ensuring that the balance of support does not tip too much in one direction , even if its use is not spoken about openly .
20 Another significant area of outstanding work is late benefit applications which total over 30,000 at the present time although some of these are speculative and some also apply to Community Charge as well as Council Tax .
21 The submissions made to your Lordships on the basis of the history of eleemosynary corporations do not seem to me to justify the drawing of such a distinction at the present time once it is accepted that certiorari can be available ( as in Thomas ) on some grounds .
22 These proposals are aimed at providing the public with more reassurances than are provided at the present time as to whether boards of directors have fulfilled their stewardship responsibilities .
23 CD trials , with teachers who are new both to the unit and to the computer system , are important at the present time because most teacher users will be in this category .
24 Some suggestions a that membership should be mandatory for those holding R Y A positions and appointments , well , that is certainly up for future debate but I do look forward to the day when our membership is truly representative at the individual level as it is currently at the club level and we w should n't forget that the R Y A is its membership .
25 The crunch game came at the second hurdle when Sudbury toppled the mighty London Welsh at Moorsfield , after which they have gone from strength to strength , bolstered by a refreshing brand of running rugby .
26 It still ran away from him but he grabbed it again at the second attempt before it went over the line and the chance had gone .
27 Steven Clarke shot Portadown into the lead in the 44th minute , scoring at the second attempt after Maguire had parried his first shot .
28 ‘ I do n't know that he will : but he was in High Places at the right times so it 's worth trying the Good Old Times routine … ’
29 Right , so we 're looking at the right price as well , O K , and what else are we looking for ?
30 The drama school will know about this , and make sure your picture is sent at the right time before you finish training .
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