Example sentences of "at the [noun sg] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 Most are aggregate studies , looking at the correlation over time or across space between levels of crime and unemployment .
2 At the beginning of time two spirits were created by Ahura Mazdah , the good spirit Spenista Mainyu ( later called Ohrmazd ) and the evil and destructive spirit Angra Mainyu ( later called Ahriman ) .
3 At the beginning of time it was said to have arisen from the primeval waters , the waters of Chaos .
4 This is rather like the big bang at the beginning of time , only it would be an end of time for the collapsing body and the astronaut .
5 What were the " boundary conditions " at the beginning of time ?
6 In order to predict how the universe should have started off , one needs laws that hold at the beginning of time .
7 As we shall see , it is possible in the quantum theory for the ordinary laws of science to hold everywhere , including at the beginning of time : it is not necessary to postulate new laws for singularities , because there need not be any singularities in the quantum theory .
8 Blake said to his companion that he should take a last look at the hole in time , and their escape .
9 Closer editing would have improved this but at the cost of time .
10 They arrived at the airport with time to spare , and Fabia gently suggested that Cara might want to telephone their parents about Barney .
11 At the harvest of time :
12 Eager for information as I was , I was careful not to stare , looking at the roadside straight ahead , or at the sea from time to time .
13 In the book , Benjamin arrived at the church in time to stop the wedding and there was no further ‘ moral transgression ’ .
14 We arrived at the station in time but where was Tumbleweed ?
15 Totally unprepared for an unexpected 5g demonstration loop , I realised I had been caught napping , and glanced at the g-meter in time for it to disappear as my sight blacked out .
16 As a result , I had to make an expensive taxi journey to arrive at the meeting on time .
17 I arrived at the House in time to be greeted by the sight of Alan Clark , the maverick right wing MP for Plymouth Sutton , rushing out of Westminster Hall shouting at the top of his voice , ‘ She 's won , she 's won . ’
18 Jesus said that God 's kingdom would come in the future , at the end of time , when all evil would be destroyed .
19 Future : Jesus who will come again at the end of time as King of Kings ; as Judge of the living and the dead ; and who will usher his faithful people into the Kingdom of his Father .
20 With its doublet parable of the dragnet , it tells of the time of final judgment when , at the end of time , the
21 The idea of the wedding was taken up by the early Church as an illustration of the glory of the coming of God 's kingdom at the end of time .
22 The other is that at the end of time there will only be the kings of Hearts , Spades , Diamonds , Clubs and England .
23 The apocalypse may have been postponed indefinitely , but there remains the assurance that it will eventually come , at the end of time ; and , in the meanwhile , there are rewards to be reaped in heaven .
24 God created the world , humans fell , in time He sent His Son Jesus Christ , who lived , died and rose again , and who will come at the end of time .
25 It will only be at the end of time that God 's glory will be fully visible in the church .
26 The seven which are relevant to Christ 's manhood are : belief in the Incarnation and Virgin birth ; that in Jesus God and man are united , begotten by God , born of Mary ; belief in " Cristes passion " that after Christ was taken down from the cross dead ( the deposition ) , he liberated those believers subject to death before he was born , a process known as the Harrowing of Hell ; that though he suffered mortality , he rose from the dead through the strength of God , and made this possible for all men ; that he ascended into heaven and was crowned higher than the angels ; that he will come at the end of time to judge the world and this will be the end of the era of redemption : These two sets of seven points about the Godhead and Christ delineate beliefs about the nature of life subject to a process of sickness and death but also filled with the potential for healing realised definitively in the life of Christ .
27 They can be gained at the expense of time spent on clients with other problems ( as will be seen in Chapter 4 ) or they can be derived from additional funding earmarked for the purpose .
28 Once , long ago , at the dawn of time , he had persuaded man to disobey in a garden .
29 Mr Kundra added : ‘ He stays at the flat from time to time — perhaps two or three times a year . ’
30 Oh , her mother was good , she worshipped her grandchild , but sometimes Kate felt a twinge of guilt at the amount of time she herself spent away from Lizzy .
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