Example sentences of "at [adv] [prep] some [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 If a match between the gender of the pronoun and the formal gender of the noun introducing its antecedent facilitates the interpretation of the pronoun , at least under some conditions — as we suspect it will — our hypothesis about the involvement of a superficial representation in the interpretation of deep anaphors will be supported .
2 But Charles the Bald also had a communications-network of his own : in his kingdom , many Roman roads had survived , with a system of public provision of food and transport at regular staging-posts at least along some routes .
3 That is not to say that there are no theories , at least of some stages of the transition of some types of flow .
4 If those other components are themselves of a kind that , for example , influences the Earth 's supply of radiation , then we see that positively minute additions , at least of some kinds of pollutants , could have profound consequences for living things .
5 If , at least for some years afterwards , there was no real war , there was none the less plenty of tension in south-western France .
6 There must be a return to the death penalty , at least for some categories of murder . .
7 It is assumed , moreover , that street life ( at least for some participants ) is not just a meaningless activity undertaken simply to fulfil a void of time and purpose .
8 For ‘ prodigies ’ ( ‘ Mr Binyon 's young prodigies ’ ) surely we ought to read ‘ protégés ’ ; and then it becomes possible to wonder whether the jocularity about bulldogs does n't mark a wistful or resentful sense that Binyon and Sturge Moore ( ‘ old Neptune ’ ) might have done more with their respective protégés than merely set them to sniff and snarl at each other 's heels ; to question whether the two senior writers could not have established themselves — at least for some purposes — as masters of ateliers in which the two young hopefuls might have enrolled as apprentices .
9 This means that , at least for some listeners , a commercial will be heard many times — but these listeners will be few .
10 Other places may contain only a few species , yet the biomass at least at some seasons can be very high ; and this is true of the Arctic and Antarctic oceans .
11 Gunn is something of an oddity — at least to some viewers of the local scene .
12 At least to some observers — notably the Docklands Consultative Committee ( 1985 ; 1988 ) , a grouping of local political and community interests — these and similar misgivings have proved all too real .
13 At least to some observers the action in the Baltic represented an attempt by hard-line party and military officials , organised in a shadowy ‘ Committee of National Salvation ’ , to seize power and overthrow the nationalist administrations .
14 The , th th th the o the other thing that is I think , I think there is something in this , is that there was , at least within some sections of the peasantry , erm er a , a kind of erm revolutionary zeal which they were building themselves and they were wanting to go beyond the Party .
15 Here , however , Christians could be found — at least in some areas — in greater concentration than in the West ; socially and culturally they were on a level not very different from their non-Christian peers .
16 Employees are therefore paid a fixed wage whatever the state of the world , boom or slump , and , at least in some models , compensated for being laid off , up to the point that they are indifferent between working and not .
17 This failure is well illustrated , I think , by the outlook and policies of trade unions , which have constituted the organized mass basis of all socialist movements , but which now seem to have , at least in some countries , a more tenuous connection with socialism .
18 Such application may be made at the time when the order is made ; if not then applied for , the practice required , at least in some courts , is that the applicant should certify in writing that he has notified the other party of the intended application .
19 Research ( Fagg , 1980 ) has indicated that at least in some cities , inner-urban areas provide ideal factors of production for newer companies : cheap premises and labour can be obtained , markets are close and niches in production or distribution can be carved out .
20 However , the results show either a decrease in morbidity or no change , suggesting effects at least in some circumstances .
21 Since electrical stimulation of the exposed cortex of one hemisphere can induce a deviation in eye gaze towards the opposite side ( Penfield and Roberts , 1959 ) it is conceivable that naturally occurring lateral eye movements reflect , at least in some circumstances , asymmetrical activity in the two hemispheres .
22 They sowed exotic grasses for their animals , built up the herds during the good years , when it rained , but then ( at least in some cases ) found that the grass was overgrazed in the drought years , when it failed to grow .
23 There seems no reason not to allow that monetary compensation may , at least in some cases , be a suitable remedy in public law .
24 Gloucester 's lordship was thus , at least in some cases , attractive enough to displace that of the crown .
25 Gloucester 's lordship was thus , at least in some cases , attractive enough to displace that of the crown .
26 These cursory snippets frown past , for that alas is all there is space for here , at least show how the contemporary anthropological understanding of witchcraft throws new and ( at least in some quarters ) welcome light on what were until recently unusually dark and baffling corners of our history .
27 As they point out , lichen planus has been associated with a number of different diseases , most recently with chronic liver disease , at least in some populations .
28 The visitor was often allowed to pull the press and , at least in some places , in return for watching the setting of the type and the privilege of carrying away the souvenir , was expected to buy beer for the workmen .
29 It was not until Gloucester had seized the throne , and the Woodvilles could again claim to be acting in Edward V 's interests , that the family , at least in some circles , regained their political credibility .
30 It was not until Gloucester had seized the throne , and the Woodvilles could again claim to be acting in Edward V 's interests , that the family , at least in some circles , regained their political credibility .
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