Example sentences of "at [pers pn] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It will make a lovely picture he yells at me above the crashing noise .
2 Offering the blond English boy — the one I was throwing water at now — half my lunch , and sitting there full of gratitude because he smiled , because he liked the taste of the piece of chicken dipped in cumin and saffron and he had smiled at me for the first time .
3 Nigel turned his head to look at me for the first time and smiled in a kindly manner .
4 Suddenly , looking at me for the first time , ‘ Tell me , ’ she said , ‘ oh , tell me — what are you in ? ’
5 He looked at me for the first time when I said this .
6 He nodded and he looked at me for the first time .
7 He looks at me for the first time .
8 I was quite interested in flashers and their psychology , and often wished they would ‘ flash ’ me ; but they always looked at me with the utmost contempt as I stood waiting hopefully for a revelation .
9 ‘ Serendipitous , eh ? ’ he said , and leered at me through the artificial gloom , his rubber lips curling up .
10 Rubbing his glasses clean , he peered intently over at me through the thin rain .
11 ‘ Only stakin' 'is claim , ’ Granpa used to tell the customers as he pointed at me in the wooden box .
12 There she is , in the other photograph , guileless and fervent , leaning forward across her desk , philosophizing away at me from the broad steppe of her Slavic soul .
13 I was thinking it would be nice to spend some time travelling with someone else , to share the strain but , as we entered the darkness which had me constantly glancing up to check the shadow of my bag , my only companion was the bearded , dark-eyed twin who stared back at me from the occluded window .
14 It must have been there all the time , sitting motionless and staring straight at me from the far edge of the level area of the Grounds , but I had n't noticed it at first .
15 I love daytime television so when I saw Richard and Judy staring at me from the other channel I was quite pleased .
16 I could tell that my father was looking at me from the other end of the table , swilling his juice round in his glass and staring at my head as I bent over my plate .
17 I could see I could see Li er Charlie and Pete looking at me from the other side of the room , Charlie smiled and I just did I just went like that , you know ?
18 As I did so I became aware of a youngish man with long hair looking at me from the pavemented walk on the Hammersmith side of the river .
19 ‘ Two men sprang out at me from the little park .
20 ‘ That when I ‘ dared ’ to so compel you , you flew out at me like the spirited filly you are under that demure exterior , ’ stated her ladyship with a quizzing look .
21 From time to time Maggie saw Felipe glance at them through the rear-view mirror .
22 Unlike the adults , who are used to seeing people looking at them through the underwater viewing window , the baby could n't believe her eyes when she saw people under the water and kept going back down to have another look .
23 1989 , The Year Of The Microscope ( to Jan ) Largest ever collection of working microscopes on public display ; the public are invited to bring along their own specimens and look at them through the different microscopes .
24 But I can take some of these back to the office and have a look at them under the funny lights — ultra-violet , infra-red — to see if anything shows up .
25 Her carved eyeballs stared back at them with the uncanny blindness of statues , who seem always to be perceiving another dimension , where everything is statues .
26 He turned towards the two men , smiled at them for the first time .
27 Most studies of social services , however , tend to look at them from the historical or development view .
28 The problems of crofting may be insoluble in terms of practical politics , but , if we look at them in the right way , we may find that they themselves are a resource .
29 We are used to looking at faces , the faces of people , for their emotions and feelings ; and when we wonder about the emotions of animals we tend to look at them in the same limited way .
30 The policemen on the cordon had lifted the barrier-pole to let the small convoy of police cars and vans past , ignoring with more than a little impatience the fusillade of questions thrown at them by the remaining newspeople .
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