Example sentences of "at [pers pn] [prep] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The Brigadier glared at me for a few seconds and replied rather quietly .
2 Kodiak the Alsatian barked at me for a few minutes , and gave up in resignation .
3 It stared at me for a few seconds , then the lens flashed again , a key was put into the lock , bolts were drawn and the door was opened .
4 That name clearly struck a chord in McIllvanney , for he frowned at me for a few seconds , but the chord must have faded for he shrugged it off .
5 We are used to looking at faces , the faces of people , for their emotions and feelings ; and when we wonder about the emotions of animals we tend to look at them in the same limited way .
6 Surely a man of the cloth would n't look at her with the same sort of craving as James Halden .
7 The waiter , a cocky Italian who flicked his buttocks at her at the least opportunity , eyed her patronisingly and made attempts to chat her up in feeble English .
8 After staring at her for a few seconds in silence , he finally nodded and went out , leaving her to dress .
9 He stared down at her for a few seconds , almost as if searching for some clue hidden in her expression .
10 Izzie glared at him with the same dark , foreign eyes as her father 's .
11 Alec stared at him for a few seconds , then walked out into the heat and glare of the mid-day sun .
12 The woman stared at him for a few moments as she mulled over his offer .
13 The head man could get bitten , the tail man could get doused with noisome excreta — and if they both missed their grasp , then the middle man got both bad ends of the snake coming back at him at the same time .
14 Kypov shouted at him across the few metres that separated them , and the breath spouted white from the Major 's mouth .
15 Beside myself with rage , I crouched , shook my fist under his nose and yelled at him from a few inches ' range .
16 His own address stared up at him in the same black hand
17 We will just ask you can we have a look at it for a few days .
18 you 're not looking at it in the same way at all .
19 So I mean I suppose they 'll look at it in the same kind of way , somebody who 's got managerial , management qualities rather than I suppose people who are interested in the other side of it , the medical side of it , probably , really be geared up to organizing the money side of it would n't they , usually one or the other .
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