Example sentences of "at [art] same [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The concessions impressed the public , but were worthless without a new policy decision at the same political level as the original one to re-introduce interrogation-in-depth techniques .
2 Drag ( but not lift ) then increases with length , so that aerodynamic costs rise , albeit at the same low rate as for pintails .
3 There are a number of amendments to Schedule 5 which are directed at the same broad objective though they go somewhat further than the suggestions I have described .
4 At the present stage of development of US television , on the other hand , the schedules of the majority viewing channels ( and this is of course complicated by the much wider dissemination of cable ) are stripped in a way which concentrates particular genres and subgenres within the same time-slot : the competition is directed quite blatantly at the same demographic group or taste constituency , and , characteristically , for the network viewer , the choice is within genres and subgenres rather between them .
5 No doubt the Substitute read the newspapers at the same breakneck speed as he did everything else .
6 Elizabeth and Helen moved into their own basement flat in an inner-city suburb in 1987. they are middle-aged and spent nearly thirty years together at the same mental handicap hospital but lived separately for the two years before the move into the community because Helen was transferred to a smaller institution .
7 He stood up abruptly and walked across to the window , staring outside at the same nondescript view that she herself had spent over fifteen minutes staring at earlier on .
8 It must also be said that Herbert Casson 's admiration for youth could outbid even Baden-Powell 's undying romanticism : For page upon page , across three issue of Teacher 's World , Herbert Casson went on like this , at the same unrelenting pace .
9 But the notion , once born , firmly took root , refusing to let her settle , and as she wandered aimlessly about the living-room she realised she 'd soon be in danger of going stir-crazy if she had to look at the same four walls much longer .
10 The power axe , clenched in his mailed fist , still hewed away at the same small area in front of him , but for the life of him he could n't push himself into the space it liquefied , nor could he shift the weapon to left or to right , so firmly was his arm held by the hydra .
11 It must be stressed , however , that an option-pricing approach implicitly takes into account the cost of funds and that it should , in theory , arrive at the same current valuation figure as the DCF method .
12 However , reading his piece ( Market Place , July 112 ) I wonder if he was at the same Royal Show as I was .
13 In TRACE II units at the same level fight amongst themselves for the available supporting evidence .
14 The presentation was made by Branch Banking Division 's Deputy Managing Director , Bob McInnes , and at the same informal ceremony Donald 's wife , Ada , was given a bouquet .
15 The overweight people in this experiment , however , kept eating at the same fast pace throughout the meal .
16 According to an experiment carried out in 1897 , light always travels at the same constant velocity .
17 Now suppose that Pathway 1 needs the succession of enzymes A1 , B1 and C1 , in order to synthesize a desired chemical D , while Pathway 2 needs enzymes A2 , B2 and C2 in order to arrive at the same desirable end-product .
18 My poor old mother , and me sister finished at the same big house , servant there for them .
19 Maurice Cottrell , who lives at the same nursing home as Les , was lucky enough to have his name picked out of the hat .
20 Bourgeois Europe was or grew full of more or less informal systems for protection or mutual advancement , old-boy networks , or mafias ( ‘ friends of friends ’ ) , among which those arising from common attendance at the same educational institutions were naturally very important , especially the institutions of higher learning , which produced national rather than merely local linkages .
21 HERE in the West , episode two of Blackeyes ( BBC-2 ) hardly advances the narrative at all and slowly picks at the same psychological scabs .
22 Chris and Pauline met while being treated at the same psychiatric unit of a local hospital .
23 As Clune puts it : ‘ Being required to do anything and especially being required to do something specific can not match the effectiveness of internally motivated , adaptive behaviour directed at the same underlying end . ’
24 Anthony Morris , QC , told Manchester Crown Court that Mr Foster died because he had the ‘ misfortune ’ to have been at the same secondary school as the gunman and had known him well for four years .
25 Such cars should be supplied at the same basic price as charged for the dealer 's regular supplies .
26 The universities did bid for the students , but all at the same top price , and the system was consigned to the UFC file marked ‘ fiasco . ’
27 Having carried out ( 1 ) , delimit an experimental area , record and mark the dog-whelks within it , remove the preferred food animals ( or , if that is impractical , move the dog-whelks onto an alternative food supply at the same tidal level ) .
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