Example sentences of "at [art] [adj] [noun] it " in BNC.

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1 After lengthy discussions at the highest level it was decided that because of the confidentiality of the information , and since most of the authorization procedures were already within the personnel function , the responsibility for the new system should be vested within Personnel .
2 For higher speeds the load angle d increases until at the highest speeds it approaches 90 degrees .
3 I did do that along with Ron and er they were speaking in terms of er a conjurer at under a pound a time and thing of that nature which should then come to a the pensioner 's category at Poole , so I took it back to Stuart and he said oh see what I can do Norman , and at the present moment it rests there because I have n't been able to contact Stuart at the moment owed to the holiday , but I shall be contacting him and hopefully we will also be doing two days , which is the Tuesday and the Thursday , also what they , er , he 's , he 's promised to do is to come half way with the cost of the jazz band , which is a great help .
4 Well at the present moment it 's about , where he is it 's about half past five , twenty to six , so he is probably waiting for his supper I should think his evening meal .
5 I think it true to say that at the present time it is not at all difficult for academics to appear in print .
6 At the present time it can be inoculated into laboratory animals , in which it will multiply , and will produce an illness similar to the human disease in the higher apes .
7 At the present time it is well served by British Rail , so is mainly a dormitory village for commuters to Hull , Beverley and Driffield .
8 It has been suggested that the Arab ‘ test ’ referred to Ludwig 's star , though at the present time it is far below naked-eye visibility .
9 Until recent years the general rule has been to require the consent of a parent or guardian for an operation or an anaesthetic on a person of under 21 , but increasingly at the present time it is becoming customary to accept the consent of minors aged 16 and over .
10 The system , with formal judicial intervention , has worked successfully in the US ; it operates informally but without full judicial approval in England and Wales ; but at the present time it obtains not at all in Scotland .
11 At the present time it is n't the intention that your officers should present er evidence in person at that enquiry , er our er representations have n't er put in , in writing , but that is pending what happens at tomorrow 's meeting an and that position might change .
12 At the present time it is being compounded of course by the er effects of nineteen ninety three Education Act with all that that Act implies or tightening up er many of the processes and procedures that we follow in dealing with special educational needs , we have a host of new draft documents for consultation from the Department for Education .
13 That 's general policy at the present time it 's a fairly woolly objective that we did n't try at the review , but the traffic management facilities and provisions are observed
14 At the one direction it 's these people next door to us I 've lived there what , twenty six , twenty seven years , and we , I 've people living next door , six children and never a any noise to what we get in there .
15 Although at the political level it would seem that the Keynesian position has been relegated , at the theoretical ( and practical ) level it is maintained that fiscal policy can influence the achievement of the objectives of government policy .
16 ( If you can provide free biscuits or food at the first meeting it may encourage a few more to come ! )
17 I 've been reading a copy of the above document and I must say I am very disturbed by its proposals , and disappointed at the negative attitude it conveys .
18 Looking at the front panel it appears fairly basic until you realise that the seven rotary pots sited under the LCD display are double function editors .
19 A second stroke followed without respite , and she squealed at the strange torment it brought to her twin moons .
20 A ham came next ; after some frenzied bidding at the lower prices it climbed to thirteen guineas , then to fourteen where it seemed likely to stay until at the very last moment , a cautious male voice offered fifteen guineas .
21 At the far end it was possible to see four mock Grecian columns , painted white and glowing in the light of a single bulb .
22 At source , a basalt lava may be moving at twenty or more kilometres an hour ; at the far end it may be oozing forward like treacle at only a few metres per hour ; so the temperature of a magma will obviously affect the style of an eruption considerably .
23 Yes , Mr Gorbachev would say , but look at the capitalist misery it causes in places like Poland and eastern Germany .
24 As the killer strikes at the retreating reptile it is the victim 's tail that is most likely to be caught in claws or jaws .
25 A role for trade unionism which continued to confine its main purpose to the sale of labour at the best price it could get for it was bound to prompt unions first to seek and then to exploit a monopoly of it ; bound to make incongruent two prime objectives — full employment and a stable currency ; and bound to present Government with reasons of national interest or excuses of ideology for intervening .
26 Normally , the commission had to dispose of land at the best price it could obtain , but there was one important exception .
27 In fact towards the end of the book looking at the overall picture it seems that everyone else 's life ends happily in marriage apart from Pip 's , and him meeting Estella in the end completes this sort of feeling of his life not being complete.fulfilled .
28 The Vale of White Horse say they 're disappointed at the decision … but Oxfordshire County Council are satisfied at the 58 conditions it imposes on National Power .
29 She gasped at the exquisite sensation it aroused and tried to snatch her hand from his grasp .
30 Black-figure continues in use long for slight work , and for the prize vases at the Panathenaic games it far outlasts red figure , going deep into the Hellenistic age ; but from the generation after the Pioneers all major vase painters work primarily in red-figure .
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