Example sentences of "at [adv] [adv] the same " in BNC.

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1 At just about the same time , a cigar-gnawing chief executive thousands of miles away was shredding his meticulously planned TV schedules to find a slot for a homely Australian series which was to become one of the all time surprise hits , turning many of its stars into instant celebrities .
2 Another group , the crustaceans , appeared at just about the same time .
3 " Psycho-anthropology " , a stepchild of anthropology and psychology , emerged as a sub-discipline at just about the same time that its purest source data — the least-contacted tribal peoples — were vanishing into extinction .
4 Theseus is shown again at just about the same time , lifting Antiope into his chariot , an over life-size group from a pediment ( fig. 65 ) .
5 And conditions were still at just about the same , but it had been an old hotel , so all the rooms at the top were left just as the bedrooms would have been , so you went up and down steps , and along corridors .
6 Told me that at just about the same age , he did the same thing to try and impress the then girl in in the office .
7 She told officers she threw her baby into the river at about 7.30pm the same day .
8 Although the number of species may have been at least approximately the same in marine environments for the last 300 million years or so the kinds of fossils have changed repeatedly , so that , for example , in marine limestones of Silurian age the shelled brachiopods may number dozens of species , whereas in similar looking limestones of Eocene age no brachiopods at all can be found , but there may be as many species of gastropods of kinds unknown in Silurian rocks .
9 Such allegations paved the way for justification of the German occupation of Denmark and Norway in April 1940 — justification made all the more credible by the appearance , at almost exactly the same time as the German navy , of British warships in Norwegian waters and of British troop landings at Narvik and Trondheim .
10 The market now stands at almost exactly the same level as when Chancellor Norman Lamont stood up and delivered his Budget speech one month ago .
11 Nevertheless , during the winter of 1909 she had become pregnant again at almost exactly the same time as Tina did with her second son , Stu .
12 In Rostock , East Germany , and Greenwich , South London , the ugly face of racism reared its evil head last week at almost exactly the same time , victimising the innocent and intimidating the weak .
13 The adults emerge at almost exactly the same moment , having spent 13 ( or 17 ) years cloistered underground .
14 It will be seen that ν 5 is at almost precisely the same frequency in each case , but that both ν 2 and ν 6 vary in frequency with the mass of the halogen .
15 Blood alcohol levels rise at pretty much the same rate in infrequent and habitual drinkers .
16 It would be tedious to quote more than a few examples of the evidence from parliamentary commissions , the STC , union reports and surveys etc. , but the following quotations are typical : " About the only work which the women can do is to stand or sit at their formes and set up type ; and to distribute the types back again into the cases , but of course this is only a portion of a compositor 's work " ( an employer ) ; " " As far as mere type-lifting is concerned , she may do , but there is other rough work in connection with compositors " work which I do not think a woman is qualified for " ( a union leader ) ; " Women … get the best , i. e. the simplest jobs … they are kept always at pretty much the same kind of work " ( an employer ) .
17 They are kept always at pretty much the same kind of work and thus become very skilful at it " ( employer quoted by Macdonald ) .
18 Although oceanic crust is consumed at destructive plate margins at very nearly the same rate at which it is created at constructive plate margins , a small proportion of mantle material — perhaps only a few per cent — is involved in the generation of andesite magmas at destructive plate margins , and contributes to the volcanic rocks erupted at the surface .
19 And you wo n't need reminding what happened here at very much the same time last night . ’
20 At very much the same hour Edmund Mortimer came out of the deep sleep that follows fever , and opened his eyes reluctantly , remembering instantly and ruefully a day and a night of indignity and discomfort before he had lost all sense of place , time and direction , and finally of his own identity .
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