Example sentences of "at [pron] through the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He looks at me through the mirror and nods slightly , which I take to mean he 'd like my help .
2 For a moment I sensed his eye staring at me through the hole in the door but as soon as I looked at it the lens flashed and the cover on the other side swung quickly to rest .
3 The woman smiled and nodded at me through the noise that made a surrounding silence .
4 I guess I could pass for short and fat if you looked at me through the end of a glass of liquor . ’
5 He came forward at me through the smoke and he was n't smiling .
6 ‘ Do n't look at me through the eyes … ’
7 Staring at me through the branches of a twisted thorn was a tawny owl perched on a rock ledge .
8 ‘ Funny little faces peering down at me through the branches overhead .
9 The robbers ran off down a nearby street , but fired their gun again at a women who was looking at them through the window of a hairdressers shop .
10 The robbers ran off down a nearby street , but fired their gun again at a women who was looking at them through the window of a hairdressers shop .
11 We were shouting at them through the hatch .
12 But in Jamaica at the time , there were no facilities for kids , just for professional fighters , so I just used to look at them through the fence , sparring and punching the bag .
13 My arm was tingling , like it 's supposed to do when the Neptunians come at you through the undergrowth , foetal implants in hand .
14 Ryker loomed at her through the flames and she hurled the water both at him and at the fire .
15 His last words , flung over his shoulder at her through the cold , stinging spray , were :
16 Ace stuck out her tongue at Daak , who was grinning at her through the shuttle 's front window , but she doubted whether he could see her face inside the suit .
17 Elizabeth attempted to escape in the Isuzu , but crashed as her attacker hacked at her through the window .
18 He took his pipe out and lit it slowly , squinting at her through the puffs of blue smoke .
19 Bella peered at her through the dark .
20 But Ma Katz had got out of her rocking chair , and the preacherman had stared at her through the mummy 's glass eyes .
21 He looked across at her through the frost and rose of dawn .
22 Around nine o'clock on what was now her third night at the Lodge she looked up from the page and saw a face at the dark window staring in at her through the rain .
23 Today , when Florrie arrived at the corner-shop and rapped on the closed front door , Aunt Emily lifted the roller-blind and peered shortsightedly at her through the glass .
24 Now he drained it and squinted at her through the glass .
25 It was only a couple coming in from the terrace , and she was about to look away again when she caught sight of a tall , stooping man standing outside and peering lugubriously at her through the glass .
26 Mr Corcoran had stared stonily at him through the pince-nez fastened on to his thin beak of a nose .
27 She flicked a pink anemone at him through the hatch and it hit his cheek so that he turned round and winked at her .
28 The forest of the night always made him shiver — the association with nameless terrors peering at him through the jungle of a Rousseau painting on his childhood wall .
29 ‘ Oh , it 's all right , I — ’ She stopped and did her best to get a really good look at him through the fog .
30 She glared up at him through the darkness , her fingers clinging to the reassuring warmth of his broad shoulders .
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