Example sentences of "at [art] more [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 At a more appropriate time I will be happy to prove to you just how much excitement and delight our mutual attraction can generate . ’
2 The eve of the second anniversary of Maxwell 's death could n't have come at a more crucial time for the pensioners who travelled to London today .
3 I felt … well , the offer could n't have come at a more opportune time , could it ? ’
4 But he could not have come back at a more opportune time as far as Selkirk are concerned .
5 When the French fleet , united with the Spanish , did threaten Cornwall it could not have been at a more perilous time .
6 A broken one can be replaced at a more convenient time .
7 Paths with whatever surface is chosen can be laid at the start when the beds are being dug or later at a more convenient time , but it does make life easier if they can be finished before planting the beds .
8 Information about these processes does not disappear however , but is stored by the Mail System and can be displayed on the screen or sent to a file on the directory from which LIFESPAN is being accessed , to be read at a more convenient time .
9 Alternatively , she might have published that material at a more propitious time .
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