Example sentences of "at [art] most [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But the problem existed even at the most serious levels .
2 I made visits at the most relevant times during the appraisal , in particular whilst the inspection was under way , so that I could observe the effect it was having on staff .
3 At the most distant property there are shearers ’ quarters which enable us to have the use of hot showers , and shelter for the barbecue if it happens to be raining .
4 So then fill your car tank at the most expensive petrol station in town .
5 And I never phone unless I can erm , well you know if I can possibly avoid it I never phone at the most expensive time of day , I avoid mornings like the plague if I can possibly manage
6 Not only is it not recoverable but it has taken place at the most profitable period in the product life , before the adverse effects of ageing have affected its sales and costs .
7 Not only is it not recoverable but it has taken place at the most profitable period in the product life , before the adverse effects of ageing have affected its sales and costs .
8 Not that there was any more purpose in his life than there had been yesterday ; but the events of the previous twenty-four hours had shown him that Ra could and would produce the unexpected at the most surprising moment , and he could not suppress the hope that his chance meeting with Merymose might lead somewhere .
9 That this almost rudimentary form of melodic construction can give supremely expressive results is shown in the theme of Elgar 's Enigma Variations , formed from the cell and its reversal ( Example 12 ) : Notice the emotive contour : an expressive rise and fall , with the highest note and largest leaps at the most emotive point .
10 Indeed , the clarity of Hamelin 's articulation , often at the most break-neck speeds , reminds me now and then of the playing of John Ogdon , and there can be no higher praise than that .
11 At the most simplistic level there is a view which suggests the emergence of a ‘ chief executive ’ approach to management in schools .
12 If this sort of thing could take place at the most sacred shrine in Delhi , then the festivals at the lesser dargahs-such as that which grew up around the grave of the saintly Emperor Bahadur Shah I — could be even more lively .
13 At the most junior level there are the students , about whom we have spoken already .
14 I hope that he will find it possible to allow extra ranks to be recruited all the way along the line — not only at the most junior level — to ensure that we do not lose those very able people .
15 She was given no emotional security at the most influential stage of her life — early puppyhood .
16 They 're determined to expose your pitiful lack of knowledge at the most awkward moments .
17 Not if he arranged it at the most awkward time of the year ? a little voice rejoined .
18 Nevertheless , given the strength of local ties , the patriotism that w as to mark the great crises remained an abstract emotion , imperfectly felt at the most intimate levels .
19 Some of these materials were tried out effectively at the most recent course described above .
20 Such deposits would normally earn a rate of interest close to the equivalent of the average rate of discount at the most recent Treasury bill tender and would be called in amounts set as a percentage of eligible liabilities .
21 At the most recent CUCGA conference we had some good speakers on fund-raising .
22 At the most recent target for the Antipodian Don Quixote , who tilts not at windmills but at woodturners , and not wishing to turn a non-existent battle into a war of attrition , I can only wonder who Mike Darlow will focus his attentions on next !
23 In this day and age , 100MB is average , and people quite often discover that they 've got only a few kilobytes of space left , and usually at the most inopportune times .
24 It 's very amusing , and you 've explained it amusingly to us , but er , there 's a lot of truth , I think in er , what you say and er how can we , er make the best of these unwelcome guests who insist on turning up at the most inopportune times , when we 're trying to enjoy ourselves .
25 The affair happened at the most inopportune moment .
26 And usually at the most inopportune moment .
27 BARRY GOODWIN looks at the most probable causes of fish deaths in some of this year 's new ones and suggests ways to prevent it from happening to you .
28 Jupiter orbits the Sun well beyond the orbit of Mars , and though the solar radiation at Jupiter is about 25 times less than at the Earth , Jupiter is so large that only Venus , and Mars at the most favourable oppositions , outshine Jupiter in our skies .
29 This policy appears to mark the reversal of an established tradition going back nearly fifty years to the New Deal , and to strike at the most vulnerable group in the United States — the poor ( many of them black ) and the old .
30 The Citation , at the most vulnerable time of any flight , now had full forward power hurling it upwards on its left side and full reverse power dragging it downwards on its right side .
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