Example sentences of "at [art] [adv] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 The code was written by the Council but its publication has been sponsored additionally by the SCU , Scottish Natural Heritage , and the Scottish Sports Council , who organised the launch at the rather odd time of 11 am on a weekday morning .
2 And I never phone unless I can erm , well you know if I can possibly avoid it I never phone at the most expensive time of day , I avoid mornings like the plague if I can possibly manage
3 Not if he arranged it at the most awkward time of the year ? a little voice rejoined .
4 The Citation , at the most vulnerable time of any flight , now had full forward power hurling it upwards on its left side and full reverse power dragging it downwards on its right side .
5 But even the milkman 's timing ca n't compare with those supremos who have perfected the art of appearing at the door at the most irritating time possible — the Jehovah Witnesses .
6 No spraying , of course , and only circumspect cutting back at the most appropriate time .
7 These low paid workers will then generate increased profits for the Bank in order that the Executives can get more Share Options to cash at the most appropriate time when the Share Prices are rising and the tax is least .
8 The use of visual aids and demonstrations can be planned into the presentation at the most appropriate time to reinforce the benefit the salesperson is communicating .
9 Consequently , it can be planned so that it is raised at the most appropriate time for it to be dealt with effectively .
10 The English do not seem to have taken this too seriously ; the fyrd , or coastal militia , was disbanded and the fleet paid off at the most crucial time in late summer , only to be hastily recalled when Harold Hardrada , the Norwegian king , invaded the north .
11 The new breed of shareholders has yet to show its skills of actually trading shares for long term appreciation and has tended to sell out at the most lucrative time .
12 Training administrators must get to know their members better in order to ensure that courses were provided at the most convenient time — this might mean narrowing the training period down to 3 or 4 weeks in the year .
13 Ke the , the k kettle 's boiling so at the most convenient time , John , if you 'd care
14 A series of four wins gave them 12 more points at the most important time to guarantee not only the victory but a bonus for top scoring over the two legs of the match .
15 oh , I 've forgotten , you know my brain leaves me at the most important time , do n't forget to post that will you ?
16 If disaster strikes , such as a flood or a burst pipe , you can guarantee it will be at the most inconvenient time .
17 Two of us set off up the long path from Aberarder at the mind-bogglingly stupid time of 11.30 a.m .
18 It can come at the least expected time as , indeed , can the end of the world and the Second Coming of Jesus .
19 The urge for an independent central bank and a proposed Euro central bank comes at a particularly dangerous time , when recessions , depressions and even a slump can not be ruled out .
20 The loss of important relationships and retirement from a job , with its easy access to daytime companionship and the outside world , can also come at a particularly vulnerable time in life .
21 The British Medical Association and the Royal College of Midwives said yesterday that unless cash is allocated for proper counselling , routine testing could put pressure on women at a particularly vulnerable time .
22 But if access to the ordinary commercial activity of a shopping precinct were to be blocked for a considerable period at a particularly busy time of day , so that people were prevented from conducting their ordinary business and social affairs , there is a disruption of sufficient significance to warrant the imposition of conditions .
23 As it fell out he was one of the few successes at Selhurst Park at a particularly difficult time for the Palace club .
24 But ‘ Mr Donald ’ , as he is known to his staff , has inherited the top spot from his father Christopher at a particularly lean time in the lift business .
25 Sister also took the opportunity to address the needs of the clergy who , in their pastoral work , are dealing with bereaved people at a most crucial time .
26 ‘ Brassey 's renaissance comes at a most opportune time , ’ commented Maj.-Gen.
27 From just £6.95 a month the Sun Alliance Personal Accident Plan gives you the reassurance of large cash payments at a most difficult time — when you may no longer be able to earn a living yourself .
28 He may have been conducting a formal press conference in very informal dress at a most abnormal time .
29 The reason for space is available at a traditionally busy time is said to be due to school holiday dates now being more staggered .
30 Steve agreed , and was rewarded with a versatile and creative player who was a useful asset to the club at a rather difficult time .
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