Example sentences of "do n't know [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 See I do n't know where he got it from , because he did n't give us th questions out of this book .
2 You see we d we do n't know when they 're going to have these parties ,
3 Maggie did n't know exactly what his position was , but he was high up on the management side .
4 They were n't speaking English , so I did n't know exactly what was said , but Anwar , after a glance , followed by a concerned closer study , followed by a little step to one side for a better angle , pointed anxiously at Changez 's arm .
5 SUPERNOVAE Starfield Guitars I did n't know exactly what to expect upon opening these guitar cases , but I found myself in danger of becoming seriously enthusiastic about the contents …
6 She could n't quite locate the nature of that terror , she did n't know exactly what evil it was that would occur , but she felt it tangibly .
7 ‘ Look , she 's perfectly welcome to stay here — I just did n't know exactly what her plans were . ’
8 And , although Folly stared at the slip of pasteboard with the kind of intensity that fortune-tellers reserved for Tarot cards , she did n't know exactly what he had in mind …
9 She did n't know exactly what he meant .
10 Well I was going to , I was just gon na say , I did n't know exactly , yeah I did n't know exactly what to say but I felt really silly saying it 's visiting times at the moment , or I 'm allowed to see him now , I do n't know I
11 She did n't know why her lack of experience had thrown him so utterly , and she thought now that perhaps she did n't want to know .
12 Brutus had said that he killed Caesar for the general good but Antony is now saying that he did n't know why they killed him , otherwise he saying that it was n't for the general good .
13 I did n't know why they have n't done it before .
14 You did n't know why it meant a lot to you .
15 Spike Spike did n't Spike did n't know why it would n't work .
16 Now Chesarynth 's throat worked — she had n't known it was going to , did n't know why it should — and her own voice scratched the poor air that smelt only of hospitals .
17 She certainly did n't know why it was happening .
18 It was alright , but I did n't know why it was good , or whether there was anything I should do better , it was just alright then , that 's it , I 've done it .
19 I did n't know why I 'd agreed to attend this festival .
20 Peter Cook always used to say he did n't know why I was looking for myself , he knew exactly where I was !
21 I did n't know why I said what I said .
22 Of Breavman ( his alter ego ) he states , ‘ He did n't know why he hated the careful diagrams and coloured plates .
23 Years ago a young Somerset cricketer said he did n't know why he played this wretched game ‘ because I worry about it so much . ’
24 He did n't know why he was saying these words ; deep down he knew that he should be running back to the truck and getting the rescue organized .
25 He did n't know why he 'd written , except maybe to let people know that he was alive .
26 Kevin did n't know why he put it off because the reasons for doing so were always valid .
27 He did n't know why he kept them really , except that they helped to make up the number on the shelves .
28 ‘ Yes , but she denied it , and then she said she did n't know why he was making such a fuss because it was n't his child anyway .
29 Did n't know why he 'd bothered .
30 He did n't know why he had returned to Police Headquarters .
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