Example sentences of "do n't [vb infin] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Whatever you do do n't go charging down to Colchester they 'll have your guts for garters .
2 Erm what thin would you like to do more fractions , more counting or you you think whatever it is that you 'd like to do more of or is there anything you think we do too much of and we do n't you do n't want to do as much .
3 She began to speak , but he said , with a shrug , ‘ I can see you do n't want to get too involved , so perhaps we 'd better forget it . ’
4 They have fairly regularly staged , what you might call bigger bands who play the university circuit as such and they 're always , you know , dying for people to come along so there 'll , th there 'll be lists published at what time , what events are on at these places if you wan na go and do that and if you wan na go to the top notch bands , Birmingham 's a good venue for that with the Leisure Centre , the M I A the N E C , the K G B etcetera etcetera all that stuff there so there 's always plenty to do , do n't , do n't feel restricted just cos we 're in er the middle of the city centre in this college and there does n't seem a lot to do , there 's a lot going on .
5 ‘ I can see I do n't need to explain how this parcel of land is only a few hundred yards from the newly designated railway lines .
6 I did n't , we did n't think to take down all the different places we went to you know
7 You did n't think adding up or taking away was this hard did you ?
8 Where , she did n't care to speculate on .
9 Higher up the vegetation thinned out , but the climb was so steep I did n't care to look down .
10 She did n't bother searching further .
11 one step to another and the hospital , the hospital and I went up to Maidenhead hospital and they said do n't stretch , do n't bend , do n't lift , do n't carry and I said thank you I 've got a school girl , a toddler and a new baby , and I did n't bother to go back any more
12 He did n't bother to argue further .
13 The clipboards tinkled again , but he did n't bother to turn round this time .
14 She did n't bother to lean out .
15 Alone with Shannon , Marianne did n't bother to keep up the saccharin-sweet condescension she bestowed on her when Dane and Josh were around , and the undisguised venom in her green eyes sent a ripple of unease along Shae 's spine .
16 poor Derek , I mean I do n't know whether Derek 's away , did n't bother to come up on , if if he did n't bother to come Friday well he 's still laying on the bench , but if it 's Jack you see , the other day she well give did you ask him , I said no I do n't mention it till Friday to him and then when I get the next one I 'll say well is it this week 's or last week 's ?
17 I did n't bother to switch off the tape , and found myself listening to a religious programme , which suggested that suffering , guilt and penance is the path towards righteousness .
18 I did n't bother going through to the consulting room but hastened from behind the desk and crouched on the floor , studying the dog intently .
19 In fact er they should have done a lot better , but a lot of Conservative voters did n't bother going out to vote cos it was a foregone conclusion .
20 They did n't bother going any further .
21 If you did n't bother turning up and reading it then that was no p
22 But nearly a third of the supporters who took advantage of the offer did so with only the Republic game in mind — and did n't bother turning up last night .
23 The time spent travelling across the city meant that you often did n't bother to meet up .
24 The President did n't bother to look up .
25 Amy , fitting a recalcitrant new ribbon to the ancient typewriter , did n't bother to look up .
26 He did n't bother to look back to see whether the shots were coming from the patrol boat or from the tender .
27 He had n't the faintest idea — and being the Colonel , did n't bother to find out . ’
28 He did n't pause to check how deeply the plane was diving or whether or not it actually was on fire .
29 If you put your finger up her bum while she was coming , she did n't pretend to object just to stop you running away with the idea that she was the kind of woman who would n't object if you put your finger up her bum while she was coming .
30 Unlike the others , she did n't rush to say how pleased she was to see him after all this time ; she did n't make polite small talk about Lucasta Redburn 's death .
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