Example sentences of "do they [vb infin] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Even with the wind of generosity at their back , why did they travel at a man 's walking pace ?
2 So successfully did they break into the English market that they soon put the native vineyards out of business .
3 Generating company managers had merely allowed water levels to run down in the hope that the drought would eventually end ; only in March 1992 did they admit to a disaster , announcing nationwide rationing which was currently believed to be costing the economy an estimated US$330,000 each week .
4 Primitive mammals were known to have existed throughout the ‘ age of reptiles ’ , but only after the dinosaurs had gone did they diversify into a wide range of specialized forms .
5 Populations evolved separately in each of these pools , and only when the water rose again did they re-convene in the same lake .
6 None of them mentioned Richard or Hubert Molland ; nor did they refer to the last time they had all had tea together .
7 ‘ What did they think of the electronic tagging idea ? ’
8 What did they think of the Vikings ?
9 What did they think of the brochure then ?
10 And how did they use that extra area , what did they do with the ?
11 Well that was , well it should 've gone up from that , what did they do with the VAT stuck two and a half percent on it and said there you are we 're gon na hold the Poll Tax down , how ?
12 What did they do on the very first day except walk under the first vehicle they saw ?
13 How much did they pay for a ticket then , how much ?
14 What did they want for a wedding present ?
15 ( Did they meet on the rue de Seine ? )
16 Did they complain about the Fujitsu factory , which takes some beating when one is considering eyesores ?
17 Did they go to the
18 What did they put in the coffee that made it such a diuretic ?
19 Were they somehow caught by s 2 , or , because s 4 had no application , did they fall outside the Act ?
20 ‘ What did they say on the telephone ? ’
21 What else did they say at the briefing ?
22 What did they say in the Owsla ?
23 In addition , what problems did they note about the labour supply for industries ?
24 And did they camp up the hill as well ?
25 Did they work through the night as well , was it shiftwork there ?
26 Did they learn from the professors or from the other participants ?
27 But the attitudes and relationships which haunt the present — what are they and how did they dominate in the past ?
28 What di what did they charge for a trip ?
29 Did they know of the deep place in the pond ?
30 Nor did they know of the old Swedish experiments attempting to make helium from hydrogen in the laboratory .
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