Example sentences of "do not [verb] a good " in BNC.

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1 Men such as Syd obviously took a great deal of pride in their work — woe betide a fireman or fitter who did not do a good job !
2 Transworld 's international sales director John Blake said the heat of Olympia 2 did not create a good atmosphere in which to do business .
3 He did not acquire a good reputation .
4 After all , our record of innovation into the marketplace , of the sort of fashion sensitive effects wanted and needed in the garment business , did not seem a good one .
5 The hungry sheep seem to look up in vain to their religious leaders and , if this was the whole reality , it is surprising that the Reformation did not happen a good deal earlier .
6 He did not have a good journey from Greshornish ; the ground proved so soft that he frequently had to dismount and walk .
7 ‘ Results show we did not have a good season and at the end of the day the responsibility was mine .
8 Lawyers said she did not have a good relationship with the father and the prospect that he may return to the family home prompted her action under the 1989 Children Act .
9 But it 's a pity she did not have a better showcase for her talents .
10 The Secretary of State did not provide a good defence of the Government 's proposition .
11 Wills , leases and assents are among those documents that do not form a good root of title .
12 ‘ You do not get a good spread of risk and it kept putting the premiums up .
13 Never let it be said that the Inspiral Carpets do not like a good breakfast .
14 This result can be interpreted in support of Frith 's contention , in that good readers who are poor spellers are those who do not have a good awareness of the relationships between sound and spelling .
15 Paragraph ( a ) is by way of restatement of the common law ; paragraph ( b ) extends it so as to make the disposition conversion even if it does not confer a good title on the disponee .
16 A single stem planted on its own does not create a good effect .
17 This could be for many reasons : for example the database does not contain a good example of that particular form of letter , or the character may have been badly written .
18 The palace has almost disappeared and the church has been poorly restored and does not give a good impression of the original .
19 Lead piping has two main disadvantages : it is often very small bore , so does not allow a good waterflow , and the amateur will find it difficult to extend the system .
20 It dismisses the fact that USL has reserved the right to bring such a claim later on , apparently after discovery , suggesting that this means ‘ it does not have a good faith basis for such a claim at this time . ’
21 The GMC does not have a good track record in ensuring that change happens .
22 The IFI does not have a good record , but their credibility has improved since the Board was changed and Brett , the previous chair , had left .
23 Lawyers said the girl , who can not be named for legal reasons , does not have a good relationship with her father .
24 ‘ There is no doubt that climate affects landform development but it does not provide a good basis for a general theory of landscape evolution'
25 Punishing someone for doing the wrong thing may inhibit him from that action but does not establish a better pattern .
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