Example sentences of "do not [vb infin] what the " in BNC.

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1 Theory 1 — Many in the West felt that the presence of police governments in the West did not represent what the people of Europe had fought for — they had been fighting for freedom of speech and democracy and the communist presence meant they had failed .
2 It did not specify what the components of the model were made of , but only their formal relationships .
3 The Act did not specify what the rate was to be , but it was made clear that the initial rate of 40 per cent would be increased to 45 per cent and then to 50 per cent ‘ at reasonably short intervals ’ .
4 Provided it was in the form of a thin whisker , it did not matter what the chemical nature of the stuff was or by what method the whiskers were grown .
5 What was more , when we plotted , not strength but breaking strain , against thickness , we found that it did not matter what the whiskers were made of , for they all plotted on the same curve .
6 It did not matter what the man looked like , but he should be listened to .
7 De Havilland , a British company , designed and built the first passenger jet airplane , but it did not analyze what the market needed and therefore did not identify two key factors .
8 ‘ I 'm sorry to distress you , sir , but your committee did not like what the Admiral was proposing to do . ’
9 Rain had to be guarded so that people around her did not follow what the call was about .
10 And he had once elicited from her the statement , ‘ I did not have what the English refer to as ‘ a good war ’ . ’
11 These PMR systems were even less secure than land lines so he did not ask what the problem was .
12 Since they did not understand what the Sign of the Cross meant or the meaning of Our Father , he had started with a simple explanation of these and had told them how important it was to start praying together .
13 I did not understand what the man was doing , but I wanted to be near the fire .
14 He did not hear what the Woman said next .
15 At least they did not encounter what the builders of the Moscow Underground came up against many years later , a quicksand in their path .
16 The captain did not know what the craft was carrying , though that was not unusual , and the line was under contract partly for its discretion .
17 It 's no excuse that the salesman did not know what the customer planned to do with the recorder , even if it is labelled with a warning about not taping copyright records or films .
18 She did not know what the message was : Lee in this state was no longer a lovelorn friend but a trauma .
19 At first Dinah did not understand ; the way he talked was strange to her , and in any case she did not know what the term meant .
20 Geoffrey Robertson , QC for Mr Henderson , told the judge after the acquittals : ‘ The prosecution was brought by one hand of the Government which did not know what the other hand was doing . ’
21 In the 1980S , as the communications industries multiplied and expanded , and the number of policy-actors and centres of decision ( local and regional as well as national ( proliferated , it often appeared that the right hand did not know what the left was doing .
22 She did not know what the matter was but knew instinctively that this was the right thing to do .
23 He could not interpret the hand gestures and did not know what the offworlder was thinking .
24 We did not know what the future might hold and had to face the possibility that we may not see each other again .
25 The institutions did not know what the criteria or standards were , and the process of validation normally meant two or three visits to the institution — with the first visit being a learning process for the institution , to hear what the process was all about .
26 Out popped a very strange gentleman from this aircraft that I noticed had American markings , but I still did not know what the aircraft was , I had a vague idea but I was not sure .
27 Mr Ruddy said he did not know what the two were doing .
28 You should write your notes up in continuous prose as soon as possible after the lecture so that you do not forget what the shortforms stand for .
29 Mr. Wakeham : I do not accept what the Hon. Gentleman says .
30 We do not ask what the absolute probability of a hypothesis h ( written would be .
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