Example sentences of "do so [prep] [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 I had not done so before merely because I had not thought of them in this context ; I had supposed that you might prefer to be at some slight remove from the nefarious influences of the department …
2 According to Gates , in comments reported in PC Week , large corporate customers looking to upgrade from Windows 3 to NT will be able to do so for less than $100 per desktop — the upgrade price for Windows users will be $300 , which translates to $180 ‘ on the street ’ and less than ‘ $100 per system ’ after deep volume discounts , Gates told a meeting of the Corporate Association of Microcomputer Professionals in Chicago .
3 Bill Gates has firmed up prices for Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT operating system , but the first ships date has moved off into the future again , and ‘ no later than ’ August 1 is the new target : according to Gates , in comments reported in PC Week , large corporate customers looking to upgrade from Windows 3 to NT will be able to do so for less than $100 per desktop — the upgrade price for Windows users will be $300 , which translates to $180 ‘ on the street ’ and less than ‘ $100 per system ’ after deep volume discounts , Gates told a meeting of the Corporate Association of Microcomputer Professionals in Chicago ; OS/2 users will be offered ‘ extremely low prices ; ’ NT 's suggested retail price for new — desktop — users will be $500 ; more bad news is that memory requirements are continuing to soar — Gates last week recommended that NT users install 16Mb on their desktop machines , even though the documentation may specify 12Mb — and no more than about 10% of 80486 machines have 16Mb ; servers could require more than 16Mb , he added ; initial NT buyers will need to have specific applications in mind for it — ‘ If you do n't know why you want NT , you probably do n't want NT , ’ he said .
4 For instance , the peasants of the Maramureş to whom Ceauşescu had appealed to preserve their ancient ways had only been able to do so until then because their poor hill-side farms had not yet been collectivized .
5 MEGIDDO , Israel ( Reuter ) — A Syrian air force major yesterday landed a Soviet-made MiG-23 fighter in Israel and an army statement said he requested political asylum , becoming the first Arab airman to do so in more than 20 years .
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