Example sentences of "do some [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I said yes , but filling all my early evenings with this would prove rather inconvenient on those occasions when I wanted to go out , so we agreed a system whereby I would do some of the work first thing in the morning and the rest of it just after I closed down the switchboard .
2 Can I come and do some of the work there .
3 Informix says it 'll do some of the work itself , but will go to partners and other developers for the body of it .
4 She can do some of the cooking and all the mending .
5 well he knew we did n't mean to sell it better do some of the ship tomorrow , where 's the , look you had one of the masts out , where is it ?
6 And erm somebody like Mike of Chris is perfectly capable of get their bits of paper to check to tick off things like that but Wendy will have to check it and put it you know they could do some of the legwork but not yet .
7 It has been trialled with encouraging results : in an informal trial ending in the summer of 1984 the mixed ability class which had done some of the course came out ahead of parallel classes in all subjects .
8 We have already done some of the groundwork for the new tax .
9 But hell , why was she taking all the blame and why was she letting him punish her when he could easily have done some of the running himself ?
10 Then I had to do some of the King 's business , but , because of my damaged finger , I did not have to write my name on any papers .
11 I just told her that it might be interesting for me to get to know something of France , after all I was still young for University Entrance and could probably arrange to do some of the work here .
12 ‘ Ah well , in that case , I 'd better let you know that I 've asked Paul Spence to do some of the revision classes for your part of the course . ’
13 ‘ But touring with ‘ Out Of The Cradle ’ it would be great to do some of the show on my own and some with a band .
14 She therefore decided at the start of the second year to take in a partner who would put in an additional £5,000 into the business and would be able to do some of the selling and other tasks after Susan had trained him .
15 In effect , we are doing some of the work unpaid , with a view to getting more of the benefits when the product sells . ’
16 Billie Rudyard , who is co-ordinating the course , explained : ‘ The women will be able to get ‘ hands on ’ experience during the course , by doing some of the work at the new centre . ’
17 Mrs Hellyer only came once a week and though Dad did some of the housework , shuffling round in the mornings and yawning , almost everything had a skin of dust over it and smelt mouldy , like furniture stored in an attic .
18 Perhaps he did some of the work on them , but I do n't believe he did everything sold under his name . ’
19 Only as discussions settled down to specifics did some of the reasoning become clear .
20 he did some of the flying himself but he had other pilots .
21 They stand in much the same relation to the childhood memories from which they are derived as do some of the Baroque palaces of Rome to the ancient ruins whose pavements and columns have provided the material for more recent structures .
22 I do some of the mixing here , some is done by them at Stepney .
23 Wood ( 1962 : 107-8 ) says almost the same thing : to can be omitted after help " only when the " helper " does some of the work , or shares in the activity jointly with the person that is helped " .
24 the computer-based Stockmaster system does some of the customer 's work for him by maintaining a constant watch on CO2 stock level in his tanks .
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