Example sentences of "do they [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Where did the ships sail and what cargoes did they carry in 1500 AD ?
2 Did they speak to each other , say anything ? ’
3 So what did they make of these budget off-the-peg outfits which the rest of us wear every day ?
4 ‘ Well , they do keep her there till all hours , ’ And what did they do between twelve and two p.m. ?
5 ‘ So what did they do at these meetings ? ’
6 Only after a few days ' exposure to New York sunlight did they readjust to local time .
7 What did they mean by this ?
8 Did they go to that one ?
9 Did they go to any one bar or meeting place regularly ?
10 Did you want , did they go through all of them , did they get all of them ?
11 But why did they go for absolute egalitarianism in the first place then ?
12 And why did they put on that charade with the fake bodies when they planned to send two live substitutes to England in the Renault ? ’
13 And did they pick on any individuals ?
14 Why did they buy at that time ?
15 What did they know of real life ?
16 These two travellers were apparently strangers in the area , yet how did they know about this forest path leading to a glade with water to refresh themselves ?
17 One writer , who has covered the Royal Family for 12 years , said : ‘ In 30 minutes of speeches and toasts , not once did they look at each other . ’
18 Everything fell into place : clothes drier , grass cutter , teapot — what did they have in common ?
19 Do they feed at all times of night or just after dusk ?
20 ‘ What do they make at this place ? ’ asks the disapproving Greek matriarch when her grandson returns from work .
21 Nor do they benefit from statutory benefits such as sickness or holiday pay , or health regulations — important for those working with hazardous materials such as adhesives .
22 How do they Know about this , up in the stars ? ’
23 This poses two questions : why are almost all tortoiseshells females , and why , if males are so unfavoured in this colour-form , do they appear at all ?
24 Do they appear in that order ?
25 ‘ Well , what do they expect for four an' 'alf quid ? ’ he asked the nag .
26 Wonder what do they do with old gravestones when they 've er
27 Only rarely do they arise with braided line , or in the sophisticated Kevlar or Spectra twist .
28 Erm do they talk about that at all in your English Literature
29 Erm do they talk about that at all in your English Literature
30 eh brutal , er brute , er so many er only got a little bit more , eh sort of like you 've got er , I du n no , accent or something or add to it a few words , a few letters I mean , er a more I , a different accent you go to Manchester they said er different accent you go and so different one and to me from the beginning , not now , but from the beginning I was fascinate , I says why do they finish in Italian er ways , or add , you switch and them coins , erm , it still says
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