Example sentences of "do with a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The information available through the payroll was : name man number payroll number ( hourly , weekly , monthly ) depot number birth date date of joining salary company division department marital status date left At a later date indicators were added for : membership of pension scheme savings scheme part-timers address job title It became apparent immediately that quite a lot could be done with a good program .
2 The initial study of cancer cell behaviour can only be done with a living animal in order to define those ‘ test tube ’ characteristics which correlate with uncontrolled growth and spread of tumour cells within the whole body .
3 Amniocentesis was then done with a new needle .
4 Lifting even a small object wrongly can do damage , too ; lifting should always be done with a straight back , bending at the knees and using thigh muscles .
5 ‘ This was done with a complete focus on shareholders of the corporation , ’ he insists .
6 This can easily be done with a pictorial key .
7 Measurement of the metabolic correlates of psychological processes can only be done with a limited degree of spatial resolution at the moment ( Raichle 1983 ) .
8 I think he could have done with a general chapter on the French State , which would have placed Diderot more firmly in his times and made clearer the difficulties he encountered .
9 The little devils could have done with a firm hand ! ’
10 The seneschal stopped , looking at the work being done with a critical eye .
11 It 's got to be done with a great deal of sensitivity and intelligence if these systems are going to take off .
12 The advantage of presenting the play in this way is that it can be done with a small cast in modern dress with simple rehearsal props and furniture and limited sound and lighting .
13 Repairing cut-out lath-and-plaster is more difficult , but is generally best done with a small piece of plasterboard .
14 Highly trained Marines would have been utterly thorough , and would never yield to the malaise of combat , that battle-weary yearning to be done with a ghastly campaign , to rate it a probably total triumph , a practically unqualified success .
15 Then , like a shoal of fish moving within a net , Rose and the girls started to clear the table , to brush away crumbs , to wash , to dry , to return each thing to its own place , all done with a muted energy ; whispers , jokes , little scolding asides — ‘ No , that goes in the other place ’ or reminisce how they had made the same mistake before in order to soften any harshness in the scold , bending low in apologetic laughter .
16 It is misleading to write of Aquitaine as though it were one vast feudal jungle where vassals rebelled against their lords , nephews fought against their uncles , and all done with a passionate ferocity which left little or no room for effective ducal government .
17 Done with a fine scalpel , this could give fine detail .
18 We did not collect as much objective data as we might have done with a white group .
19 For example , sound recording for films and television is done with a monstrous array of equipment and techniques .
20 The way they manipulated their gang members , the way they deferred to their adoring mother Vi and the way they disposed of smalltime enemies like George Cornell and Jack ‘ The Hat ’ McVittie , were all done with a tangled misunderstanding of vice and virtue .
21 This is done with a formal bow .
22 Obviously , this can not be done with a conventional typewriter .
23 The best she can do is to try to secure it by non-military , legal means , and this she has done with a fair measure of success .
24 When α scans are done with a reduced scattering angle θ , peaks from shadowing are observed .
25 It was done with a scornful glance at Keith and then a grin of agreement at Mrs Hollins .
26 I 'd just as soon make do with a packed lunch .
27 He said ‘ I think I could do with a strong cup of coffee ’ ( to keep awake ) .
28 What I could do with a nice pint of porter ! ’
29 I could do with a nice sleep now .
30 Well you could do with a nice middle there could n't you ?
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