Example sentences of "do you really [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Alfred , ’ he said , plucking up courage , ‘ did you really threaten to kill Sir Thomas ? ’
2 " My goodness , Hazel , " said Blackberry , " did you really want to silflay ?
3 Did you really expect to stay healthy , living rough as you have been doing , not eating enough , I expect — ’
4 Did you really expect to find your mother on the first day ?
5 ‘ And did you really have to show them to everybody ? ’
6 ‘ And did you really conspire to depose him ? ’
7 Does it feel like that down on the field , do you really start to feel frustrated ?
8 ‘ The big question is : do you really want to stop smoking ?
9 Do you really want to live here ? ’ , he asked , handing me a nail , ‘ in a tree-house ? ’
10 If anybody comes to say , and you tend to sort of say well what do you really want to talk about , er , and do that .
11 Do you really want to carry on using that mug ?
12 Do you really want to humiliate me any further ? ’
13 Do you really want to risk that ? ’
14 Do you really want to leave ? ’ he asked .
15 My Lords , do you really want to give the politician in Whitehall this sort of power on the overwhelming majority of police authorities in Britain in England and Wales I should say and remember the other provisions of the Bill .
16 right and it says , and do you really want to do it ?
17 Do you really want to go back and make tea ? ’
18 Do you really want to go into that now ? ’ he challenged her softly , his ironic gaze returning briefly to her party face and the shiny , streaky curls that tumbled over her brow and about her neck , just skimming her bare shoulders .
19 Juliet — ’ he came closer and looked intently into her eyes ‘ — do you really want to go to his party ? ’
20 Mentioned the D S S and I think you could 've disturbed him more , do you really want to go down there and be means tested and , and er that 'd be a , a possibility er to disturb him a wee bit more .
21 Do you really want to know what is going on , and where they took place ?
22 Do you really want to know the truth ?
23 Do you really want to know what he said ? ’
24 ‘ Every single drop of water going in to your house has been expensively treated to make it drinkable , so do you really want to spray it all over your car ? ’ said Kent Meters Marketing Director Terry Stoten .
25 Do n't give in to comments such as ‘ You are very choosy ’ , or are ‘ always turning down work ’ , or even ‘ Do you really want to work ? ’ .
27 Looking at him sideways , a delightfully confused smile on her face , she whispered , ‘ Do you really want to marry me ? ’
28 ‘ But do you really want to marry him ? ’
29 Do you really think marrying Beador would help ? ’
30 Do you really wanted to know where Jenny had , where Mandy had been on holiday ?
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