Example sentences of "do not come [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Zbigniew did not come off the boat .
2 Britain 's world role did not come on the cheap and Gladstone would never realize his dearest ambition , to abolish the income tax .
3 If men trained in the learned profession did not , perhaps , scale such heights in the later sixteenth century , at the same time the crossing of career lines did not come to a halt .
4 ‘ Still , you know you 're welcome , ’ she smiled and left him and he was not surprised when she did not come to the post office the next evening or the evening after .
5 ‘ I did not come to the presidency to become a president who will consolidate partition or to manage a crisis , ’ he said yesterday .
6 ‘ I did not come to the presidency to become a president who will consolidate partition or to manage a crisis , ’ he said yesterday .
7 There was talk of some grandeur in the English past and some evidence of middle-class money which did not come to the aid of Philip .
8 The proceedings did not come to the defendant 's notice until after she returned from the United States .
9 Here D 's revocation did not come to the notice of the offeree , so the offeree 's acceptance of the offer was valid , and D is liable on the contract . ’
10 It is quite unlike the Trojan origin which may already have been attributed to the Franks as a result of imperial diplomacy , and suggests that the Merovingian dynasty did not come to the fore as a result of its connections with Rome .
11 Where a summons or other originating process has been served on a defendant by post or insertion in his letter-box under Ord 7 , 4 10(1) ( b ) or 4(a) or r 13(1) ( b ) or ( 4 ) and after judgment has been given or entered it appears to the court that the process did not come to the knowledge of the defendant in time , the court may of its own motion set aside the judgment and may give any direction or make any such order as the court may think just .
12 JANUARY 1st dawned in Czechoslovakia and the world did not come to an end .
13 ‘ And you did not come for the horse trekking . ’
14 They had been arrested in December 1972 and , as a result , did not come under the ‘ Diplock ’ innovations and the more stringent Northern Ireland ( Emergency Provisions ) Act , both of which were to come into force in the following year .
15 All Cluniac abbeys and priories were directly subject to the abbot of Cluny and to the pope and did not come under the supervision of the diocesan .
16 The daughter , apparently , had no feelings ; she did not come into the picture , as elder sisters frequently do not .
17 Lower-class women who did not come into the black or immigrant categories would be expected to use the general waiting-room , rather than the ladies ' , which was largely the preserve of the well-dressed middle class .
18 Luckily , Domino Mei-Ling did not come into the office to meet Damian for lunch that week .
19 This did not come as a surprise .
20 Spemann and Mangold 's discovery of the organizer did not come as a surprise to Spemann , nor did it involve any element of luck .
21 A spokesman said : ‘ Because of the current economic climate it did not come as a shock .
22 It did not come as a startling revelation — no blinding flash of illumination , only a possibility that he had not previously considered , something that was worth checking .
23 The move to merge did not come as a great surprise to the shareholders of either company .
24 It was a very neatly packaged piece of disinformation planted on Pincher that carried added credibility since it did not come from a government source but from an opposition Privy Councillor .
25 He did not come from a showbusiness family .
26 For example , the case of Hope , who did not come from a broken home , is atypical : most black sportsmen have much more instrumental relationships with their mentors , seeking to learn techniques , draw inspiration and get motivated for important events .
27 Unlike the founders of the older firms , Reynolds did not come from a management consultancy background ; after his early financial services work , he spent three years with William H. Clark , a headhunter from the price Waterhouse fold .
28 I once sat on a Labour-controlled council which went out to tender and would not accept the lowest tender because it did not come from a direct labour department .
29 The immediate impression of directed dominance did not come from the man 's physique , impressive though that was , McLeish decided as he accepted the offered chair and placed Catherine at the side of the room .
30 When poor Col. Griffin was laughed at for suggesting that Baptists establish a University in England , the laughter did not come from the descendants of Matthew Arnold who saw them as psalm-singing greengrocers , but from his fellow Baptists .
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