Example sentences of "do not even [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 She did not even expect it .
2 I understand you did not even pay her for her work .
3 Some wills assumed this as an inexcludable entitlement and did not even mention it .
4 Now it did not even strike her as odd or ungracious that Jenny , after their long separation , should have no time for questions or interest about her sojourn in America or her journey home , and that she could not control her own unhappiness for the sake of welcoming back her sister .
5 Everything they had seen had registered in their subconscious mind without them even being aware of it and , using hypnosis , it was possible for them to recall facts and images they did not even realise they knew .
6 So has team-mate Gehan Mendis , with worse still for Graeme Fowler , who was fined about £2000 for being so critical of the club , even though some of his offending remarks did not even make it into print .
7 It was as if he did not even feel it , for there was no response .
8 ‘ Perhaps you are , although I did not even imply it . ’
9 So he did nothing for Mary or Rufus that morning , did not even seek them out , scarcely knew whether Rufus was still asleep on the terrace or back in bed with Mary , and when he found further sleep impossible because of his shivering body and pounding head , he sat in the kitchen making instant coffee for himself but took none up to them .
10 My father told me that when Darwin 's Beagle appeared in their island channels , the Tierra del Fuegans did not even notice it because their imaginations could not grasp so vast a ship .
11 Finally we climbed a bank and were on the road again , the smoothness of it lulling me into such a deep sleep that I never saw the barrier at the railway crossing , did not even hear them telling Ward the Jequetepeque had broken its banks a little further on .
12 The wonderful thing about a consumer culture is that the stores have everything you want — more miraculously they have things you did not even know you wanted : like a wall-sized television set .
13 Indeed , the injured man did not even know he had been bitten until the water turned red as he swam to shore .
14 ( So : Minter did not even know he had left Rhodes , far less all he had discovered since then — notably about Minter himself . )
15 She also exercised much informal influence at court and procured favours for her husband William of Windsor , though when she was accused of corruption in 1376 the king declared that he did not even know she was married , let alone that Windsor was her husband .
16 Perhaps I did not even know it .
17 Theresa did not even see it .
18 When she had finished , she did not even read it through , but thrust it into an envelope , rang furiously for Lyddy and demanded that the letter be taken at once to Trelorne .
19 ‘ Years ago we threw the old didacticism ( dowdy morality ) out of the window ; it has come back in at the door wearing modern dress ( smart values ) and we do not even recognize it ’ ( p. 159 ) .
20 Sometimes they do not even realise they are pregnant .
21 I do not even acknowledge them as my own . ’
22 This strangeness will very quickly pass in the same way as a capped tooth or new filling feels peculiar after a visit to the dentist yet , after a couple of days , we do not even notice it any more .
23 Life on the margins characterises the Christian church in advanced industrial societies , and more often than not we do not even notice it .
24 What is remarkable about the text-books ( which describe the chemical structure of the various chains in loving detail ) is not so much that they do not explain the discrepancy but that they do not even notice it ; nor are they apparently interested in the fact that the work of fracture for a material like Polythene or Nylon is at least a hundred times higher than it is for most of the thermosetting plastics .
25 From my understanding , more than a quarter of a million TM practitioners in England are in ignorance , currently invoking heathen deities twice a day , and the majority do not even know it !
26 He 's got turkey salad and he did n't even eat it so I took the , the top off it so he could see the turkey in it , then he changed his mind now , I thought he might .
27 And they listened on the telephone from Nottingham did n't even mention it !
28 did n't even mention it !
29 And she knew , although they would never have dreamt of telling her , perhaps did n't even admit it to themselves , that they were afraid of her .
30 and that was my Barclaycard number in case you want it although I ordered it through the thr phone I made out that so that I could read it off on the telephone I did n't even erm I did n't even assemble it I just looked and I saw it does n't chop I thought it would chop things but does n't , it only grates Looks as though it had been out before , you know , you look at this !
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