Example sentences of "you could [verb] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This means that if you do an hour 's vigorous exercise instead of sitting in a chair for an hour , you could burn up an extra 100–200 calories which would not have otherwise been used up .
2 Alternatively , you could step up the exotic look and imitate the Maquis .
3 ‘ It was like a collective , you could either buy the porn through the mail , or you could send in a tape of yourself and get plugged into the apparatus that way , ’ explains David James , a film professor at the University of Southern California , who has researched the phenomenon .
4 ‘ Our side is n't the type you could send out every week with instructions just to knock it long all the time .
5 So you could send out a dozen business cards now
6 You could travel up the Blue Nile
7 Anyway , you could scratch up the rifling with a file and steel wool so that it would never give the same markings on a bullet again . ’
8 Perhaps you could blow out the candles in here and then check that the ones in the living-room are safe ?
9 You could draw up a checklist of topics which are of current concern to your students to help you select suitable items from news programmes .
10 So the very fact that the offspring are more mature , would reduce conflict , because the degree of value of the sources is going to be much greater , in other words , you could give up the sweet .
11 well then , then you could really , would be , I 'll always start on , you could go down the police station and have a word with them , see what they think , and they 'll probably put you in touch with somebody , cos they know everything they know what
12 Presumably all this applies equally well to , to shops because I suppose you could link up the cash registers to some sort of stock control , so that you could almost keep a running total of what you , you have in stock as you erm punch the appropriate numbers up on the , on the till ?
13 For example , to increase working and manoeuvring space in an existing work triangle you could set up a second food preparation or cooking area with perhaps a microwave oven outside your main work area .
14 Alternatively , you could set up the WP3–7 to give two different volume levels , different sounds for slap and fingerstyle , different EQs for your fretted and fretless basses , or any other combination .
15 To think that you could bring about a utopia , and perfect human nature in one way or another , is really a wildly er , optimistic and er , is in itself , er , some kind of illusion .
16 4 If you could strike up a mutually trusting relationship with one of the following wild animals , which one would you choose ?
17 So , for a few pounds a month now , you could build up a very welcome nest-egg for yourself and provide financial protection for your family at the same time .
18 You could make up a whole story .
19 Ever wish you could make up a degree course to suit your own needs ?
20 If you could make up a sentence with those .
21 For example , the first time the players ask for a description , you could read out the following :
22 ‘ If you could dig up a back copy — he gave the date , nine years before ; ‘ — If the worst comes to the worst , just lift one from the Liaison Officer 's back room . ’
23 You could run down a list of things that have been done under the title of reform , and they all look good , but the net result is that the Congress has really lost its capability to respond . ’
24 Even if you sold the house you live in , there is no way in which you could buy back the paintings , even if the owners would sell .
25 Perhaps you could lighten up a little bit . ’
26 You could pick up a seat by knowing the right people , having gone to the right school or being thought to be worth a few thousand — almost the first question put to the prospective MP for Richmond , Sir George Harvie-Watt , when he went up before the local selection committee in 1937 was whether he would subscribe £700 to the local association .
27 Alternatively you could pick up a pinstripe suit from tried and trusted Marks & Spencer .
28 The shares are now just 2.5p , so you could pick up a massive 4,000 shares for £100 before brokers fees .
29 Now , if like me you 've yet to attempt this big production number you could pick up a few tips here , after all , we 've a number of professionals in this hundred , hoteliers , dressmakers , cake makers , photographers , and video makers , registrars , ministers , but above all , we have a lot ex-brides here , and let's start off by finding how many we have .
30 If you stand here it might look beautiful , but if you pick up each one individually you 'll see weeds germinating , brittle bits and you could pick up a disease in the early stages which you just would n't see otherwise .
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