Example sentences of "you have [verb] for the " in BNC.

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1 I thought you said you 'd gone for the evening , Rosalind . ’
2 It really went to show that God was good ; when you 'd paid for the things you did and you were really sorry , He gave you something good to make it up to you .
3 The one you 'd booked for the summer had apparently dropped out . ’
4 Moat put considerable store in this scheme at Three Hills as the the next stage of our partnership er with the Council and erm we are committed to doing the scheme in accordance with your overall master plan that you 've adopted for the Three Hills area er our proposals will com complete the re-development of the vacant sites at Three Hills providing a further a hundred and nine properties for for social housing both for rent and for low cost home ownership .
5 Not after all you 've done for the Corporation .
6 ‘ Well , you know what my mother 's always saying : everything in life has to be paid for , and you 've paid for the happiness that 's going to be yours in the future .
7 Cos you 've paid for the
8 You lose the money you 've paid for the site !
9 In short what you should aim to create in a dining room is a special atmosphere within a very practical framework , so when you 've provided for the basics you can add to the mood with window treatments , interesting lighting and decorative tricks to make the room as comfortable , as functional and as good looking as you can .
10 And more particularly in Appendix Three , you 've got for the first time , individual chief officers and general managers comments , for achieving a better equal opportunity profile in their department or unit .
11 If that 's all you 've got for the whole battalion , that 's a success as far as the tour is concerned , ’ he said .
12 He went to his old billet and the old lady living there , after welcoming him warmly , said ‘ You 've come for the instruments of course ’ .
13 Within the assembly council I personally valued your contributions the very courteous and thoughtful way in which you presented these and the courage with which you expressed at times the stand that you had to take for the interest of the Board .
14 Nothing else was right , you had to go for the best in life , and I suppose we 've always felt that . ’
15 So if it peaks two years before you plan to cash in , you do not lose because you had to wait for the money .
16 You had to wait for the flash and details of the changes in interest rates on Black Wednesday — a day of vital interest for small businessmen and mortgage holders up and down the country .
17 Or do without is n't it you know , you had to stock for the sake of getting the business .
18 How much extra would it cost you if you had to pay for the additional choc ices ?
19 I refer to my letter to you of 18 May last , in which I explained that the Agreement that you had signed for the above tape had not been signed on behalf of Oxford University Press , and that the duplicate copy which you had retained for your records needed to be returned to us for signature in Oxford before I could despatch your copy of the tape to you .
20 The key to using this technique is to keep silent after you have asked for the order .
21 You have to listen for the centre of your voice ’ .
22 However the moment it slips you have to wait for the chain to gain momentum before cutting can recommence , otherwise it bites again .
23 Erm I do look for opportunities to talk to people about God but I , I certainly think that you have to wait for the right opportunity because , if people are ill or very down , then it often is n't the right time when they 're vulnerable erm to try and erm talk to them about something .
24 If , if there 's an incident happens , does n't mean you have to wait for the local police officer to tell , to come along and tell him , you 've still got police support all round you anywhere .
25 When you save a design on to disk , all the colours and codes that you have defined for the woolbox will also be saved with the design .
26 Once you have registered for the programme you will be invited to the GEP INDUCTION DAY where you will hear about the benefits and indeed the difficulties of self employment and will be introduced to your LOCAL GEP advisor .
27 The other thing I would like to make sure and this applies also to the members of the public as well as those people who are participating in the discussion , could you please make sure that you have registered for the day .
28 Just a quick note to acknowledge receipt of the two papers you have prepared for the review .
29 But of course something like this would do that but you have to allow for the jitter as well and this sort of algorithm might might be the way to do it .
30 ‘ But you ca n't be generous , you have to go for the best person for the job .
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