Example sentences of "you [vb base] [adv prt] in a " in BNC.

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1 He said : ‘ These are not 500 bananas that you pick up in a supermarket and put in your basket and take somewhere else .
2 You walk around in a skirt and wear a bra , how was I to know ? ’
3 Increasing the amount of interview you get through in a day ?
4 unless you get out in a huff .
5 These are n't things you get off in a hurry , so I try and remain calm , although suddenly I 'm pretty certain I 've got one on my chest .
6 You set off in a strong boat with keen crew , but your ship is dashed upon the rocks off The Isle of the Crown , and the adventure starts with your hero having been washed up on the beach of that isle and with a firm desire to seek out his long lost love …
7 We can bring you back at home or if they insist that you go back in an ambulance , you may , they may not put you back home you know , have you thought of that ?
8 I mean if you 're honest a lot of these were really first or second draft erm manuscripts I think and er er you really got to get , if you 're going to submit something like this it has to be er it has to be absolutely watertight and you have to say exactly what it is that you want to say , erm some of the criticism I 've , I 'm not gon na mention people 's names , but I 'm just remind myself er , a whole lot of you for some reason erm , con construct things in sort of note form I suppose this being undergraduates that helps this and , and , but you construct things with single sentence paragraphs so that actually you get a whole list of sentences without any linking between them and that is terribly disjointed reading and with an account like that , when you 've finished reading it , you sort of have to shake your head and think well what did the person actually say , and when it 's actually looking for er a little bit of prose , the in addition some of your con your sentences are in , extraordinarily complex , you start off in a sentence and you actually lose your way in the middle of it , I mean the simple sentence 's much the better thing , I mean I seem to remember being told by subject , object verb , in a sentence , they must have those , those , those things , well very often you 'll have a sentence which starts with er a particular noun and as , as a subject and then finishes up with the same no noun or , or , or subject or , or maybe it 's become the object of the sentence at the very end or maybe the sentence has totally lost it 's way .
9 Erm how do people sort of beco when you become a member of a group , usually in some way the group changes you as you go through different stages of it , your values may change as a result of interacting with people in the group and th this process of erm somebody 's come up with how it is that you start off in a group , how it is that you become an active member of a group , how it is you may even become involved in the maintenance of the group and the leadership of it and then you sort of die away and that 's the y'know retire from the group .
10 Fixing a three-hole mixer with pop-up waste may look a little complicated , but if you follow through in a sequence of operations it 's not too difficult .
11 If you come up in a spotty , irritating rash after sunbathing , you 're probably suffering from Polymorphic Light Eruption , simple an allergy to the sunshine .
12 If you come up in a spotty , irritating rash after sunbathing , do n't blame your suntan lotion .
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