Example sentences of "you [vb base] [vb pp] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Ye 've made a mistake ! ’
2 The truth is , Ah suppose , if ye 've got a berg sailin' down on ye and ye 're trapped in the ice there 's no thickness of steel that will save ye from gettin' crushed .
3 ‘ But perhaps ye have made a mistake and it is really the Sicilian woman … ’
4 To those in Rome who had trusted Christ alone for salvation the Apostle Paul wrote ‘ Ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear ; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba , Father .
5 And when ye have won the fight , and the Moors are discomfited , ye may spoil the field at pleasure .
6 about school er further education on , on the magazine and I felt that perhaps , bearing in mind what he 'd said earlier about I have n't had any contact with you for thirteen years , that might have been something that you could 've you know reinforced a bit well we 've now got financial advisers , the other thing or one of the other things we 're doing is , is this contact magazine which we 're sending out to policy holders and it , you know , it helps to bridge the gap as it were .
7 Let let can I tell you in conjunction with Lincolnshire erm the N F U produced a leaflet that they 're circulating to a hundred thousand of their membership in er , it 's a real mis-match of counties , Warwickshire , Northamptonshire , Leicestershire , Notts , Lincolnshire right , and er we 've got our logo on the back er , because I checked the er you know checked the content of it , and it did n't put too much onus on police setting up schemes and what not , but the N F U are delivering one of these leaflets in the next week or two to every one of their members in er that particular area , so no doubt we 'll be getting some er contact with it .
8 It lacks the personal touch it lacks the personal touch which is why you never send your people letters saying you 're fired or you know lost a job you always talk to them and it can be more expensive in terms of materials you use it 's it is very very expensive on mat materials and cheap on time but it 's a personal relationships that 's the first thing okay that 'll do so when do we use it ?
9 I think he was a bit nervous really he thought , Oh my gosh you know that these are one of the big pickets that happened erm what are the women going to plan next you know and he felt you know Tom 's you know felt a bit sort of out of control of it really I think he was very impressed with er .
10 perhaps , you know hit the dust !
11 Well some people that are like me , but there ai n't that much fat , that says right , we can now afford to , you know , that person 's er , er , you know got a lot of free time , there ai n't any of them any more is there ?
12 Cos you did n't know whether they 'd had er you know had a lot to drink or had a load of drugs and start going on the rampage or something .
13 IT 'S not a question you get asked every day but do look like Gary Lineker ?
14 You always think it 's not going to happen to me , I 'll be all right — but then you get handed the letter .
15 it 's a real dingy day and I think oh dear , wear their boots and Kagouls , and you feel so much better when you get taken the snow of them , the leaves are nice cos they dry them , scuffle in them .
16 That way you get all the help and co-operation we can provide , any other way and you get shown the door .
17 There there you go announced the waitress setting two hot plates before them .
18 You realize you 've missed a chance of meeting King Sebastian ? "
19 If you 've never seen the Tan Hill on a bleary winter 's day when winds are driving wet sleet over the hellhole of Sleightholme Moor and the sky and the land are welded together in one sullen , sodden grey , then you 've missed a treat .
20 You 've missed a bit sir .
21 And also you 've missed a bit .
22 And you 've missed a snake
23 If you 've missed a year can you put in twice the amount the following year ?
24 You 've missed a lot of .
25 You 've missed the highway
26 You 've missed the beginning of the full supporting feature …
27 You 've missed the day , and , you 've got Saturday then , th ferry back is ten o'clock on the Mo or whatever day , but the ferry back is at ten o'clock in the morning so you 've got to leave at eight o'clock .
28 You 've missed the evening edition .
29 It 's always easier for someone else to see where you 've missed the point .
30 ‘ I think you 've missed the point about my eidetiking , Dr Gyggle . ’
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