Example sentences of "you [vb base] to [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He added a postscript in his own hand : ‘ I pray you that ye fail me not at this time in my great need , as ye will that I show you my good lordship in that matter that ye labour to me for . ’
2 He added a postscript in his own hand : ‘ I pray you that ye fail me not at this time in my great need , as ye will that I show you my good lordship in that matter that ye labour to me for . ’
3 If inviting an elderly parent to come to live with you in your own home seems to be the best way of helping her in her last years , the first overtures you make to her on this subject need to be very tactful , bearing all the hallmarks of a really welcoming invitation .
4 you want to what with the washing machine ?
5 You appear to me to be fussy and pedantic .
6 He says that ‘ when children have limited communication and language skills , you often need to reinforce what you say to them in a physical form .
7 He tries to guess what you say to him from the vowels .
8 You walk to it along the foot of the gorge , through tunnels at one point , and then climb about twelve pitches that are never harder than HVS .
9 Clint : ‘ If you listen to something like ‘ Spanish Caravan ’ , The Doors were so diverse .
10 ‘ No , Nicolo , you listen to me for a change .
11 But if you listen to him on telly , he is n't !
12 You could almost think that was a stereo spread of one performance but if you listen to it on headphones you can hear it properly . ’
13 But you wo n't be able to make any decision while you cling to him for fear of other men .
14 you , you , you see them as erm er er you know you t you speak to them on erm christian name terms , you , you help them with any kind of erm social problem or welfare problem they may have .
15 ‘ Whenever you speak to me of this Harry of yours , your face and , indeed , your voice reveal that he is of special importance to you .
16 — Oh airs and winds , you bring me stories from the living , rustle of leaves and heave of branches , you speak to me of pain , and you , streaming magma from the belly of Adesangé and cold rivers too spouting from down below , you swollen sea where Manjiku glides , and you , shining pale moon , and you , oh bright sun of the zenith and green glittering star , HEAR ME !
17 The reply was , ‘ Not Rs5,000 , Your Ex cell ency , but Rs25,000 , but now that you speak to me about it I will not take it . ’
18 You speak to me like the stepbrother speaks to all the family .
19 When you speak to someone on the telephone it is easier for you to represent your company or organization .
20 If you speak to someone in the department ask it you can have their name in case you need to telephone again ;
21 You sound to me like a tired little rascal
22 I 'm sure she wants you to extend the same warmth to her that you extend to me by using my first name . ’
23 That 's what I had against my discount that way you can you got a gift for this person you give to them plus erm
24 You seem to me to be wasting an awful lot of time . ’
25 ‘ Now , now , ’ he said , ‘ Let's be a kind , dear girl , your lover wants to get the feel of you , let him , if you 're as sweet as you seem to me to be . ’
26 You seem to me to be struggling .
27 More and more you seem to me to be going together to the village . ’
28 You get to it from the cliff-top . ’
29 You get to it by being a Prestel subscriber , so you also have access to everything else that is public on the system ( and it can be a particularly cheap way of buying air fares , for example ) .
30 Y you refer to them as mile stone inspectors .
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