Example sentences of "you [coord] [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In an enclosed community , Master Corbett , people chatter — to themselves , to their sister , to me , or even to you or your ubiquitous servant , Master Ranulf . ’
2 Once upon a time , tapeworms in general used to be the type of internal parasite that you or your listless friends were most likely to have .
3 ‘ First , if you or your misbegotten entity there , ’ he gestured towards me , ‘ plot any design against me , then the two gentlemen standing behind you have orders to slash your throats ! ’
4 Not you or your old man . ’
5 Next , you have to consider the options open to you and their likely consequences .
6 We shall highlight the options available to you and their potential benefits and hazards to enable your final decision to be based as far as possible on a complete understanding of the available alternatives .
7 Jesus said just before he was living his disciples , his followers , you and me , he said you shall receive power after the holy spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me yes we witness by our life but there 's a danger in making that a cop out , because one other requirement of a witness is that they talk , they 've got ta say what they know , these four men were good witnesses , they went back and they told the city what they had found , and there 's placed upon you and me that responsibility to go back and to tell what we 've found , this is a day of good tidings , we do wrong to keep silent .
8 Though between you and me old Hereward 's a bit of a liability . ’
9 In the early months of her grief , you and her other helpers may need to listen endlessly and give her quiet comfort during her episodes of extreme anguish and emotional excursions into the past .
10 If she responds favourably to this ( which , if you are wise , you will have conveyed more through your attitudes than your actual words ) , you and her other helpers should try to create various circumstances or events which may stand a chance of helping her to break the habit of mourning : an interesting holiday , perhaps , or some new and mildly challenging experience which calls for her to look beyond herself to someone else in trouble , who will make her feel ‘ needed ’ .
11 Meantime it gives us great consolation to know that you and our dear children are well .
12 If you send all those er bits and pieces in at the end of the week we just ask you and you most people do n't get this wrong .
13 His perceptual difficulties may make it impossible for him to recognize you and his immediate family or your relationship with him .
14 ‘ And how did you get into the Imperial , you and your six cooks ?
15 Not exactly Cordon bleu ! — but easy , adequate , and not too expensive , and no doubt you and your elderly parent would be able between you to work out many alternatives to these suggestions .
16 I 'll tell you something , Dr. Briant , I do n't know why I put up with you and your arrogant ways , that I do n't !
17 What a delightful reflection for you and your dear wife that you should have been instrumental in contributing to the loveliness of the celestial kingdom , and that your beloved infant should be an additional star in diadem of Jesus !
18 We send you and your dear wife best wishes for the New Year .
19 As far as I 'm concerned , you and your Bolshie friends can do what you blooming well like — and that 's not swearing , Father . ’
20 Everybody gets a cut , not just you and your emotional wallowings .
21 ‘ You know , Athelstan , if it was n't for you and your bloody logic , I 'd put the entire mystery down to witchcraft .
22 You and your bloody daughter .
23 You and your bloody mates fingered me for those three other burglaries .
24 ‘ Yes , you and your bloody Detective-Sergeant McWhirter business .
25 ‘ When Margaret Thatcher gets in you and your bloody unions better watch out . ’
26 ‘ So where are you and your green-eyed friend staying , then ? ’ he asked .
27 ‘ You do n't know what you 're talking about , you and your Bolshevik friends !
28 ‘ My place , and you and your stupid dog and her had no right up here . ’
29 ‘ Horatio Pugwash , you and your ruffianly companions having been found guilty of the abominable crime of smuggling , I sentence you to be taken from here to the Baddie 's Tower , and at dawn to Gallows Marsh , and there hanged by the neck .
30 ‘ Master Shallot , you and your fellow clod-hoppers wander into Templecombe . ’
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