Example sentences of "you [am/are] not [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Hobbs said , ‘ This heat is dangerous when you are n't used to it .
2 You are n't fit to be allowed out , ’ he growled .
3 My parents explained to me , Pakistan is too far from this country ( Uganda ) , you are not used to their ways , but I did n't listen to them .
4 This is because you are not used to being shackled to the author 's words .
5 A double bridle , or perhaps a pelham , may be worn in the other classes , but if you are not used to riding in one , or your horse has a sensitive or difficult mouth , then stick to a snaffle .
6 I dare say you are not used to servants ’ halls either . ’
7 LEFT Especially if you are not used to fitting a check chain , take care to ensure that you put it on the right way round .
8 It is a terrible thing to be clung to by a sick child if you are not used to it ; Fleury was very shaken by the power of the protective instinct which was suddenly aroused in him , although to no avail , for there was nothing he could do .
9 Even if the language has rules to follow it is important to practise stress , because it may come in a position you are not used to .
10 If you are not used to make-up you may feel a little ‘ painted ’ , but remember that the make-up has to last all day and right into the evening .
11 This means that , if you are not married to your partner , he or she may have to face another member of your family being responsible for dealing with this very personal task , while he or she will have no role or status at all .
12 If the offer is accepted , the estate agent might ask for a deposit as a commitment but you are not obliged to hand this over .
13 Assuming you are not sensitive to these items , you may later reintroduce them , but avoid taking any of them in large quantities , and in particular avoid strong coffee or tea .
14 The only other piece of important advice is that , although you can walk anywhere in Scotland , you are not entitled to camp without permission .
15 you are not entitled to a redundancy payment ; and
16 In practice , you will seldom find it easy to show that you have suffered in that way and , in particular , you are not entitled to compensation to reflect the emotional distress than an unjust dismissal may well cause both you and your family .
17 Even if you are not entitled to these rights by law , due to your leaving a scheme within two years , your employer may be willing to return the contributions you have paid .
18 If you have never paid anything but reduced rate contributions , you are not entitled to a basic pension in your own right but instead must rely on your husband 's contributions for the married couple 's pension .
19 If you are not entitled to a State pension in your own right , you will receive the dependant 's rate of benefit , i.e. about 60 per cent of the full rate ( or less if your husband is not entitled to a full pension ) .
20 ( 2 ) If during a break you are allowed to leave your station for that period you are not entitled to payment .
21 ( 2 ) If you are not entitled to Statutory Sick Pay for some reason , you are entitled to receive State Sickness Benefit from the Department of Social Security ( DSS ) .
22 There are parts of my life , my dear Malcolm , that even you are not privy to .
23 If you are not eligible to be put in if you do n't have a motor car then you 're discounting an enormous number of people who may have motorcycles or motor caravans or , you know , something which is perfectly valid but it invalidates the information that you think you are getting out of the file because you only put in certain perfectly reasonable , groups of er of things and i in , in , in Boots there 's a , there 's a er there 's a a wonderful expression or actually is , is the one I 'm particularly thinking about , you know we , we sell shall we say a million bottles of aspirin a year , it is in fact considerably more than that , and that is perfectly reasonable and valid and mm but in the definition of that we obviously only included what Boots the Chemists sold because that 's all the people who
24 ‘ Sometimes I forget that you are not native to this land , Alexei .
25 You are not fit to be in this school !
26 Of course , being so intimately concerned with the notion of travel , a degree of mobility may bring more rapid promotion opportunities but unlike other organisations of a similar size , there is no pressure here to relocate — should you decline a move because you are not ready to be uprooted , you will find that your reasons are respected and your prospects unaffected .
27 If things are really bad , you are getting nowhere and you feel that an argument is developing , the best action is to state politely that you are not willing to be interviewed in such a manner , that you are clearly wasting one another 's time and you have decided to leave .
28 You are not ashamed to be the guest of a traitor to his country ? ’
29 In the central and southern parts where there are Moslems , a pig 's life is easy — because one of the nice things about being an ‘ unclean ’ animal is that , not only can you not be eaten , you are not supposed to be killed , even for raiding crops .
30 Calcium If you are having a reasonable amount of dairy produce you are not likely to be short of calcium .
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