Example sentences of "you [verb] it for [art] " in BNC.

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1 You said that you got it for a bet , well a bet is usually something like swimming in the North Sea on Christmas Day , I mean something sharp and brief , while working for a degree , however brilliant you are , takes years .
2 I would like you to wear it for a while . ’
3 Have you therefore reassessed the western relief road 's benefits on the base that y you will have now at that point in time both a southern A fifty nine , A one link and a southern northern link , if you want it for the A sixty one north of Harrogate .
4 yeah , cos you changed it for a
5 So , have you done it for the deadline ?
6 to , to erm to try and remember what it was like when you read it for the first time .
7 So er if you y'know do the desired behaviour , you collect so many vouchers and er y'know when you 've got ten vouchers you exchange it for a television or something like that , but there 's a whole range of things of that nature .
8 and then if you needed it for the further education you could use it
9 How often have you known it for the butler who is on everyone 's lips one day as the greatest of his generation to be proved demonstrably within a few years to have been nothing of the sort ?
10 I could let you have it for a few months until you get sorted out . ’
11 You use it for a high , like a shot of whisky .
12 You hire it for a day or whatever it is .
13 You knew it for a fact .
14 And , as one of my brothers said , if you took it for a walk it panted .
15 If you leave it for a while , the reeds invade , and there 's no expanse of water at all .
16 Hakim was used to transactions where ‘ all parameters are not known , you leave it for the times that things are known ’ , but this business proceeded on a plane that was ‘ intangible ’ .
17 You carry it for the duration of five decades of the Rosary ( about ten minutes ) , recited by the trio immediately behind .
18 Then when you 've all found a good combination , you do it for a while , then you turn on the tape machine …
19 Yes , every now and then the temptation to do something sort of very cool and very sort of ten point Univers and you do it for a bit , and you 've done it and then you use some proper faces instead .
20 I know you do it for the good of us but I still like to buy you something as a thank you .
21 Are you are you leaving it for a day and then trying to integrate them ?
22 ‘ Shall you wear it for the picnic ? ’
23 Yeah , like somebody else , like , you 're walking down the street , like , you 're in a house and , and you check it for a minute and you 're like
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